  • 期刊


The Effect of the "SAFE" Education Protocol on the Facilitation of Safe Medication Administration for Home Healthcare Clients


目標:本研究主要目的是發展“SAFE”教育方案並評估對居家護理個案用藥安全之成效。方法:採單組前後測類實驗設計,立意取樣南部某醫院附設居家護理所34位個案與其主要照顧者為研究對象,接受團隊研擬“SAFE”教育方案,包括標準化安全用藥衛生教育流程(Standardizing health education about safe medication administration; S)、評估用藥適當性(Assessing medication adequacy ; A)、促進一個用藥安全的環境(Facilitating a safety medication environment; F)與評值是否執行安全用藥(Evaluating whether practicing safety medication; E)等四項過程,每個月一次,為期三個月。並在教育方案介入前與介入完成後一個月,分別進行前測及後測評量。結果:34位個案用藥安全問題於衛生教育前件數7件,經介入完成後一個月降至1件,McNemar檢定達顯著下降(X^2 =4.17, p<0.05)。介入完成後一個月,主要照顧者的用藥安全認知由介入前的6.7分提升至8.4分,成對樣本檢定達顯著上升(t= -5.5, p<0.01)。結論:“SAFE”教育方案確實顯著降低居家護理個案的用藥安全問題,並有助於主要照顧者對個案用藥安全認知程度之提升,其可作為居家護理實務的參考。


Objectives: The purpose of this article was to examine the effect of the ”SAFE” education protocol on improving safe medication administration for home healthcare clients. Methods: We used a quasi-experimental design and subjects were a convenience sample of thirty-four home healthcare clients recruited from a homecare center in a hospital in southern Taiwan. The group received the ”SAFE” education protocol, including Standardizing health education about safe medication administration, Assessing medication adequacy, Facilitating a safe medication environment, and Evaluating medication safety (acronym: SAFE). The program was held once a month, for 3 months. The outcomes were measured before intervention and 1 month post-intervention. Results: The results showed an average of 7 medication problems in home healthcare clients before intervention and one, 1 month post-intervention (X^2 =4.17, p<0.05). The scores for perception of medication safety by caregivers increased from 6.7 before intervention to 8.4 at 1 month post-intervention (t= -5.5, p<0.01). Conclusions: The ”SAFE” education protocol may effectively decrease the medication problems experienced by home healthcare clients and increase the perception of medication safety by caregivers.


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財團法人醫院評鑑暨醫療品質策進會:101-102年醫院醫療品質與病人安全工作目標。http://www.patientsafety.doh.gov.tw/upfile/www/2012/20120508_101-102年醫院醫療品質與病人安全工作目標.doc 。引用 2012/06/18。 Taiwan Joint Commission on Hospital Accreditation. 2012-2013 hospital medical quality and patient safety goals. Available at: http://www.patientsafety.doh.gov.tw/upfile/www/2012/20120508_101-102年醫院醫療品質與病人安全工作目標.doc. Accessed June 18, 2012. [In Chinese]


