  • 期刊


The Beginning of Taiwan History Research after World War Ⅱ: Journal Contents in Taiwan from 1945 to 1949 (Ⅰ)


臺灣史做為歷史領域中,一個單獨且有價值的研究學門,亦不過是百年的時間。雖然自十七世紀以來,臺灣的歷史透過荷、西與中文,留下許多的記錄;但是把這些記錄視為史料進行研究,則是從1895年臺灣割讓給日本以後才開始。然而日治五十年的臺灣史研究成果,在光復以後來臺接收的國府大員眼中,如何被看待? 經過研究之後,竟讓人有意外的發現。原來戰後初期(1945-1949),對於臺灣史的討論,反而全集中在日治時期。若按雜誌篇數數量多寡而定,較為人所重視的領域是產業史、經濟史、教育史、交通史、社會史、史料介紹、政治史、文學史、宗教史。這些議題的研究,在很大的程度上,也讓初抵臺灣的接收人員,了解日治五十年臺灣發展的面貌。並且總結來說,正面的評價多過負面的評價。其次,對於清代與臺灣風土民情的文章,其數量不若日治那麼的多,動機屬於重新認識的性質。至於建構臺灣史的部分,以中國史框架討論臺灣史,則是戰後初期漸趨明朗的作法。 1950年代以後,至少三十年的時間,臺灣學界對於臺灣史的研究方向,有一重大的翻轉,即是重視清代、忽視日治。這使得戰後初期,對於日治討論所累積的成果,面臨中斷的命運。如果本文有任何的貢獻,即是對於戰後臺灣史學史的開端,做出清楚的討論。


戰後 日治 臺灣 歷史研究 雜誌


It has been only around 100 years that Taiwan history became a single and worthy research topic. Though information was kept through written records in Dutch, Spanish and Chinese from 17(superscript th) Century, those materials were considered of historical interest for research purposes only after Taiwan was ceded to Japan in 1895. However, how did the Republic of China (R.O.C.) government officials who took over Taiwan treat Taiwan history researching results obtained during Japanese colonial period? It was a surprise finding that near all research publications were focus on Japanese colonial period from 1945 to 1949. According to sheer amount of articles, important research topics included industry history, economy history, education history, traffic history, social history, material introduction, political history, literature history and religion history. Those researches allowed the R.O.C. government officials who had just arrived Taiwan to understand 50 years of Taiwanese progress under Japanese rule. At the same time, positive reviews outnumber negative reviews amongst those publications. Secondly, the publication regarding Qing Dynasty and Taiwanese folklore were less numerous than those regarding Japanese colonial period, mostly were of re-acquaintance in nature. As molding of Taiwan history was concerned, discussion of Taiwan history under the framework of Chinese history was a tendency that became obvious during the post World War Ⅱ era. Taiwanese history scholars had a major shift of emphasis after 1950s, for at least 30 years research gained traction towards Qing Dynasty period while Japanese colonial period lost its' appeal. As result, initial research achieved regarding Japanese Colonial period during postwar period faced risk of being truncated. Should there be any contribution from this article, it should be the discussion about beginning of Taiwan history at post World War Ⅱ period.


