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Mood of The Times, Desire, Erotica: The Study of Methods in Writing Connotation of Huang Fang Yin's Mo Hua Xuan Zaju




陌花軒雜劇 黃方胤 金錢 情欲 晚明


Mo Hua Xuan Zaju is the creation of Huang Fang-Yin in the late Ming Dynasty, including seven short plays like Yi Men, Zai Jiao, Yin Seng, Tou Ji, Du Ji, Luan Tung, and Ju Nei. It not only writes the mess of the monks hooking up with the prostitutes, but also depicts the family's disorder like the women cheating and having many marriages, or the greedy husbands asking their wives to have transactional sex for money. The plays precisely reveal the life of the prostitutes, the mood of extravagant behaviors and the male homosexuality in the late Ming Dynasty. Huang collected the sources from the people's ridiculous and obscene life corresponding to the common custom in the late Ming Dynasty There are so many humour plots in the plays of Mo Hua Xuan Zaju, because the playwright pointed out the defects in real life with exaggerated and bantering ways including a large numbers of erotic writing and vulgar things. The topic does not break the manners or pursue a simulative sensual experience but it teases and ironizes the social phenomenon of indulging in sensual passion without scruple. Huang want to make people laugh with obscene things or words and the pun ways, so that he could prove the doubts of "holiness" and "sublime". The plays which have the profound irony reflect the decline of Confucian code of ethics and show the popularity of "mundaneness" behind merry laugh or angry curse.


Mo Hua Xuan Zaju Huang Fang-Yin Money Lust Late Ming Dynasty


