  • 期刊


Essay on the Impact of Collection of Notes and Commentaries of Tao Yuan-Ming Written by Tang Han


湯漢撰《陶靖節先生詩集》,四卷。運用傳統訓詁註釋方法,繼承前人陶學成果,並益以己之陶學心得,對陶詩中的異文、詩題、音讀、比興、詞義、句義、人名等加以箋注和箋證,成傳世《陶集》首家注本。此外,湯氏並對陶詩中部分詩篇,予以品騭和評論。其評論之旨歸,可歸納為「對陶淵明躬耕隱居,固窮孚節,予以高度推崇」、「陶淵明恥仕二姓,有為晉室復仇之志」二者。湯《注》中的箋注考據,以及對部分詩篇的評論騭語,對後世《陶集》影響極為深遠。傳世重要《陶集》,多數受其直接或間接之影響,霑溉和潤澤,在湯氏陶學成果的紹述和繼承下,補苴罅漏,箋注校正,後出轉精,創獲開新。傳世重要《陶集》受湯《注》直接影響者,有南宋.李公煥《箋註陶淵明集》、 明.何孟春《陶靖節集》、清.吳瞻泰《陶詩彙注》、清.溫汝能《陶詩彙評》、清.陶澍《靖節先生集》和《陶靖節集注》;傳世《陶集》受湯《注》間接影響者,有元.劉履《選詩補註.陶詩》卷、明.凌濛初《陶靖節集》、清.邱嘉穗《東山草堂陶詩箋》。


陶詩 陶淵明 湯漢 李公煥 陶澍


The four volumes of Collection of Poems of Tao Yuan Ming are written by Tang Han. He applied traditional hermeneutic and notational methods, as well as inherited the predecessor’s results of studying Tao Yuan-Ming’s poems, aided with what he has learned, and made some collations and annotations on the changes due to transcription by different people through different dynasties, pronunciation of words, title of poems, metaphor and inspiration, meaning of phrases, meaning of sentences, names, making the first book of notation of "The Collection of Tao Yuan Ming" be introduced to the world. In addition, Tang Han made some comments and remarks about Tao Yuan Ming’s partial poems. The purposes of his comments can be summed up into two different points, such as: "He highly praises Tao Yuan Ming’s moral integrity of withdrawing from society and living in obscurity through cultivation in person, still maintain his righteousness even he is poor at that time" and "Tao Yuan Ming disgracefully to be an official under the two surnames of "Si Ma" & "Liu," with the ambition to revenge for the Jin Dynasty." The annotation and textual criticism, comments and frivolous remarks in the book of Collection of Poems of Tao Yuan Ming have posed great influence to the books of younger generation with the title of "The Collection of Tao Yuan Ming." The major books with the title of "The Collection of Tao Yuan Ming" handed down for generations, mostly are under its direct or indirect influence. Under the inheritance of study results of Tao Yuan Ming poems by Tang Han, the later generation of studying Tao Yuan-Ming’s poems had filled up the cracks and stopped the leaks, and made more annotation and rectification to be more and more advanced, eventually the later generation broke through the stereotypes and opened up a new prospect. The major books with the title of "The Collection of Tao Yuan Ming" handed down for generations, in which are under direct influence of Tang Han’s book are Collection of Notes and Commentaries of Tao Yuan Ming written by Lee Gong Huan, The collection of Tau Jing Jie written by He Meng Chun in the Ming dynasty, Compile of annotations of poems of Tao Yuan Ming written by Wu Zhan Tai in the Qing dynasty, Compile of criticisms of poems of Tao Yuan Ming written by Wen Ru Neng in the Qing dynasty, and Series of Tau Jing Jie and Collection of annotations of Tau Jing Jie written by Tao Shu in the Qing dynasty respectively; those books under indirect influence of Tang Han’s book are Annotation to the analects of Tao Yuan Ming written by Liu Lu in the Yuan dynasty, The collection of Tau Jing Jie written by Lin Mong-Chu, Notes of Poems of Tao Yuan-Ming in the Dong Shan Hut written by Chiu Chia-Sui in the Qing dynasty.


晉陶潛、宋李公煥箋註(1991)。箋註陶淵明集。臺北=Taipei:國立中央圖書館=National Central Library。
晉‧陶潛撰,宋‧湯漢注:《陶靖節先生詩集》,光緒乙酉年會稽章氏刊本。[Jin] Tao Qian, Tao Jing Jie Xian Sheng Shi Ji [Collection of Poems of Tao Jing Jie], annotated by [Song] Tang Han, in Reign Name of Penultimate Qing Emperor Guang Xu, Year of Ji You (1885), Kuai Ji: edition from the Zhang family
