  • 期刊


Tobacco Control and Health Promotion on the Workplace---The successful experience from a prototype example


行政院衛生署於民國九十年開始推動職場的預防保健工作,希望藉由多目標的整合性預防保健計畫來維護勞工朋友的健康,達到「職場健康營造」之需求,從建立起具有代表性指標作用的示範工廠或公司,再推廣到其他行職業,以此模式來推動職場的預防保健工作,使全國勞工身體健康。 職場的預防保健工作相當多,菸害防制工作是其中最為重要且可行的工作之一。吸菸已被全世界公認為影響人類健康的最主要危險因子之一,且與許多慢性疾病,如冠狀動脈疾病、肺癌及肺氣腫等疾病有密切的因果關係,而肺癌發生率及死亡率都相當高,顯示肺癌對人的健康及生命威脅有很大的影響。台灣地區,男性吸菸率一直居高不下,盛行率約為40%至55%,比歐美國家為高,而年輕女性的吸菸盛行率也有逐年升高的趨勢,顯示吸菸已成為台灣地區重要的公共衛生問題之一。同時,相關研究指出某些行職業的吸菸盛行率較高,充分顯示菸害防制於職場衛生保健中推動是重要且必需的。 本文的目的是希望藉由描述分析美軍菸害防制的成功經驗,說明菸害防制在職場衛生保健之重要性及可行性。本文參考美軍所做的一系列相關研究報告做一完整的撰述,期望這些具體且有效的數據資料,可以作為日後研擬適當且可行的菸害防制計畫之參考,同時可應用及落實在各行職業之職場衛生保健工作,期望國內各行職業的吸菸盛行率都能低於一般人口族群水準,以維護職場員工的健康。另外,美軍的吸菸盛行率及相關因素可以做為台灣地區職業醫學研究的參考,尤其是針對某些特殊次團體行業的研究,有助探討吸菸高危險群,使菸害防制能事半功倍。


菸害防制 衛生保健 職場


From 2001, the Department of Health, Executive Yuan, has promoted serial programs to set into action for health promotion on the workplace. An integrated multi-purpose health promotion program is demanding for health building on the workplace to promote workers' health. The purpose of health promotion program is setting an example of workplace for health of worker to popularize other occupation. Cigarette smoking is a well-known risk factor affecting human health and associated with a battery of chronic diseases, such as coronary artery and cardiovascular diseases, pulmonary emphysema, and various cancers. In addition, the prevalence of cigarette smoking in Taiwanese population is higher than the populations in western country. Of particular note, the prevalence of cigarette smoking increased significantly among younger females in Taiwan over the decades. Therefore, the tobacco control program is a central component of the proposed health promotion program on the workplace. In this paper, we illustrate a successful experience of tobacco control in US army and demonstrate the importance of tobacco control program in health promotion in workplace. We review a series of reports in regard to tobacco control program in US army, and abstract effective factors of controlling for cigarette smoking in US army. Ultimately, the successful experience of tobacco control in US army may be used as a reference for tobacco control program aiming at promoting health in workplace.


