  • 期刊


Occupational Health and Safety Survey in Paper Industries in the Central Taiwan


研究目的:為了瞭解中部某縣市的紙漿、紙、紙製品工業的職業安全衛生概況,對這一國內重要傳統產業的潛藏職業危害進行進一步的認知與評估,我們藉由此次調查作為提供將來健康管理之參考,以保障勞工的福祉。 方法:本研究由研究人員當面與工廠負責人或安全衛生相關人員作面談討論,並且經由作業現場訪視了解實際作業時的各種可能職業危害。另外亦查閱職業安全衛生計畫,物質安全資料表、危害物質環境測定、勞工一般及特殊健康檢查資料,和意外事故紀錄等。 結果:此次調查共有員工人數大於100人的2家大型紙廠參加,員工人數介於10-100人的中小型紙廠有15家加入。這17家勞工總數1032人,其中以男性從業人員居多。2家大型廠皆有僱用安全衛生管理人員,實施年度噪音環境測定及舉辦勞工一般及特殊作業健康檢查。在物理性職業危害因子方面以噪音最為普遍,但沒有積極的防護措施。化學性暴露因中部並無原木紙漿廠,所以沒有暴露於二氧化氯或其他漂白劑的問題。但是大型紙廠以回收廢紙打成紙漿的製程中卻可能有生物性氣膠的吸入。在安全危害因子中,因大型造紙機械及紙捲等特性,勞工存在被夾、被捲及被墜物擊中之危險,但各廠並無重大意外事故之紀錄,員工健檢異常以高血脂為主。 結論:中部某縣市造紙業的職業危害仍以噪音和安全問題為大宗,而且雇主與勞工對於各種職業危害並沒有深入的瞭解。所以進一步的危害暴露監測,且由職業醫學專家及工業安全衛生師相互配合,深入作職場健康管理及健康促進有其必要性。


造紙業 噪音 勞工安全衛生


Objectives: The manufacture of pulp, paper and paper board ranks among the Taiwan’s important conventional industries. The aim of this study was to recognize occupational health and safety issues in paper industry of central Taiwan. Methods: Depth interview were conducted by researcher and occupational health & safety personnel in the paper factories. Walk through survey were carried out to observe potential occupational hazards. We also examined their occupational health programs, material safety data sheet, annual employees’ health examination records and the industrial accident reports. Results: This survey was performed in 17 paper factories with a total of 1032 employees and 60% were males. The most important physical hazard is noise but hearing protection is not well followed. Paper production in recycled paper plants in dustier then paper production using imported pulp. Exposure to bioaerosal can occur in entire recycled paper pulping process, but exposure to chemicals is less significant than in pulping facilities. Safety hazards including nip points, height and mobile equipment. No fatal accident was reported in this survey. The most common abnormality in annual health examination was hyperlipedema. Conclusions: Noise and safety hazard are the most important issues in the paper industry. Further studies are needed to address these problems in depth and to facilitate the initiation of controlling measures. It will be optimal that occupational health physicians and industrial hygienists collaborate to carry out occupational health & safety program.
