  • 期刊


Evaluation of Physical Health Fitness Promotion Strategy


目標:國人的疾病型態已由以往的傳染病,轉變成爲慢性疾病。絕大部分疾病的發生與身體不活動或缺乏運動生活型態,有密切關係。本研究嘗試以一個爲期三個月的教育加實際操練的體適能課程,希望能提升工廠員工的體能狀態與健康習慣。 方法與對象:由桃園縣三家職場,總共招募108位員工。參與課堂教育訓練以及實地操練課程。請專家給予概念性,啓發性,教育性課程。並邀請體育專長學者,設計並帶動體適能操作課程。於課程前,除一般體檢項目外,並作體適能各項指標測定。在給予三個月課程後,再測定體適能各項指標。幷比較不同的性別、年齡層、公司別之間的差異。 結果:總共有三家職場做爲體適能健康促進示範工場。就個別的指標,BMI、閉眼單足站立在不同的年齡層是有差異,而體力指數,坐姿體前彎,腿力,則沒有年齡層的差異。前後測的整體比較,仰臥起坐,坐姿體前彎,腿肌力,手握力,是有意義的進步;BMI,閉眼單足站立則無明顯的進步。再看單獨的項目,BMI與腿力在男女性進步中是有差異的,仰臥起坐,坐姿體前彎,閉眼單足站立以及握力,則無男女之間明顯差異。以年齡層來看,BMI體力指數,仰臥起坐,坐姿體前彎,腿力,握力均沒有明顯的差異。以公司別來看各項前後測差異,BMI,體力指數,坐姿體前彎,腿力,握力在不同的公司之間進步沒有差異;而仰臥起坐,閉眼單足站立在不同的公司是有所差異。 結論:以四方參與的健康促進模式,確可得到部分的成效,但需投入更多的資源,以扎根的精神與生活工作模式,才能達到更好的效果。


體適能 課程 健康促進 操作課程


Goal: The disease pattern of Chinese has shifted from infectious diseases to chronic diseases. The etiologies of most chronic diseases are originated from the physical inactivity or lack physical activity. We conducted a survey of 3 months interval of physical health fitness promotion to the labourers in three different factories. Materials and Methods: We recruited 108 employees from three different factories in Taoyuan county. All the participants must attend all the lectures given by the invited teachers. The participants must also attend all the physical exercise which were arranged during the course. Before the course started, we do the body physical check up included the various indexes of the physical fitness for the participants. After the 3 month course finished, we repeated doing the body physical check up which included the indexes of physical fitness. We calculated and compared the difference between the different sex, age group and among the different factories. Result: To individual variables, BMI, closed eye with one leg stand, general physical index, sitting forward bending, leg muscle strength, hand muscle strength, differed significantly. However BMI, leg muscle strength not improved significantly. Between genders, BMI and leg muscle strength differed, significantly. On reverse, sitting up, sitting with forward bending, closed-eye stand with one foot, hand muscle strength, did improved insignificantly. As for age groups, BMI, general physical index, sitting up, sitting forward bending, leg muscle strength, hand muscle strength did not improve significantly. Among companies, BMI, general physical index, leg muscle strength, hand muscle strength did also not improve much. However sitting up, close eye with one foot stand improved significantly. Conclusion: We found that if the physical health fitness promotion program to be carried out effectively, all the personels which include the government, employer, employee and the private health institution must worked coordinately. Further, We also suggested to put more resources to make change of the concept and lifestyle of the individuals.


