  • 學位論文


The Relationship between Yuanji Player’s Specialization,Particpation Motivitions and Constraints

指導教授 : 羅鳳恩


目前已有多份研究指出元極舞對改善人體健康方面有實質的效益,但在台灣推廣時還是有其限制,如能找出影響受訪者參與元極舞運動的阻礙因素,並對症下藥,克服學習元極舞運動的障礙,將可向更多人推廣元極舞運動,以達促進更多人身心健康的目的。 本研究旨在瞭解並探討受訪者參與元極舞運動專業化程度與其參與動機、阻礙之情形,採改編量表為研究工具,以屏東縣(市)元極舞運動參與者為本研究問卷發放對象,自2011年1月起至2月,以便利抽樣法對元極舞運動愛好者進行問卷調查,發出問卷450份,有效問卷為403份,回收率89.6 %。資料經分析與檢定後,研究之結果如下: 一、受訪者參與元極舞運動專業化程度以中階參與者的比例最高,其次依序為初階參與者、專業參與者,新手參與者為最少。 二、受訪者參與元極舞運動參與動機前三名為「增加身體健康」、「此活動對我有吸引力」、「此活動離家較近」;隨著專業化程度越高,其「增加身體健康」、「此活動花費較少」、「此活動對我有吸引力」、「為了交朋友」及「本身技能很好,可當教練」之參與動機強度越高;而其「打發時間」之參與動機強度越低。 三、受訪者參與元極舞運動參與阻礙前三名為「沒有多餘時間」、「缺乏同伴」、「本身技能不佳」;隨著專業化程度越高,其「沒有多餘時間」、「缺乏同伴」、「此活動對我缺乏吸引力」、「本身體能無法負擔」、「與其他的參與者互動不佳」、「訊息不足」、「本身技能不佳」、「運動場地距離太遠」以上八項參與阻礙強度越低,呈現負相關;而其「缺乏交通工具」參與阻礙強度越高,呈現正相關。


Currently there are many researches indicating that Yuanji is a kind of exercise to improve people’s physical, psychological and spirit health. However, Yuanji is not widely promoted in Taiwan. If we can find the participating constraints of Yuanji, it may decrease the constraints to promote Yuanji. Then, more people can practice Yuanji to decrease their stress and to improve their physical and psychological health. The purpose of this research is to conduct recreation specialization index to evaluate participating motivations and participating constraints of Yuanji players. Four hundred and fifty Yuanji players from areas of Kaohsiung and Pingtung in Taiwan were selected for this research. Four hundred and fifty questioners were conducted, four hundred and three valid data were used to analyze as the results, and the valid corresponding rate was 89.6%. The surveys were conducted during the period of January to February 2011. The results of this study were the followings: 1. Most surveyed Yuanji players were assessed as the middle level of specializations; the surveyed ones were graded as the primary level, the specialized level, and the lowest level of specialization, separately. 2. The improvement to physical health, the attraction to do this activity, and the short distance from home were the top three graded Yuanji participating motivations. The higher degree of the surveyed Yuanji players’ specializations were the more positive influences of their Yuanji participating motivations in the improvement of physical health, less expenditure, the attraction to do this activity, friendship and being a coach with the excellent skills. However, their motivation in killing times decreased.. 3. No additional time, lack of accompanies and lack of Yuanji skills were the top three graded Yuanji participating constraints. The higher degree of the surveyed Yuanji players’ specializations were the less influences of their Yuanji participating constraints in no additional time, no accompanies, no attraction, over body-loading, bad interaction with others, not enough information, lack of Yuanji skill, distances far away from their home, the above eight items indicated the negative correlation with their constraints. However, their participating constraint in lacking of vehicle increased, which indicated the positive correlation.


尚憶薇(1999)。推廣台灣老年休閒活動-以 YMCA 的老年人休閒活動設計為借鏡。中華體育,14(1),77-84 。
