  • 期刊


A Preliminary Study of Prevalence of the Metabolic Syndrome and Its Determinants among One Hospital's Staff in Taipei


在臺灣地區代謝症候群(metabolic syndrome)所引發的相關疾病而造成的死亡人數已經超過惡性腫瘤,並形成醫療體系沈重的負擔。導致代謝症候群的因素除了可能是先天的遺傳外,最主要原因就是後天不健康的生活型態,而醫院員工工作忙碌、身心壓力大,且普遍運動量不足,再加上忙碌的工作類型導致不良的飲食習慣,極可能為罹患代謝症候群之高危險群。本研究採橫斷式研究法(cross-sectional study),以某醫學中心91年度員工健康檢查,共1,260位員工為研究對象,因該健康檢查未實施腰臀圍及高密度脂蛋白膽固醇,故本研究改以身體質量指數及總膽固醇取代,另外三酸甘油酯、血壓及空腹血糖三項指標診斷標準與美國國家膽固醇教育計畫(NCEP ATPⅢ)診斷標準相同。研究結果顯示,研究對象整體代謝症候群盛行率為9.4%,男性員工為17.4%、女性員工為5.2%,男女性盛行率達顯著差異;代謝症候群盛行率隨年齡呈顯著正相關,在各項指標中,以總膽固醇異常盛行率34.6%最高。本研究建議加強醫院健康檢查內涵,提供員工必要之資訊;瞭解員工生活型態,應特別著重男性且高年齡層之員工與將代謝症候群相關訊息運用於員工在職教育。


Metabolic syndrome (MS), a cluster of metabolic disorders, is becoming increasingly common and causing huge economic burden of medical care system in Taiwan. Besides genes, many studies show that the causes of MS are unhealthy lifestyle. The hospital employees' working characteristics are likely to be unhealthy and stressful; they are prone to be the high risk group of MS. The aims of this study were to investigate the prevalence and the characteristics of MS among hospital staff in Taiwan. We used a cross-sectional analysis to exam the prevalence and the characteristics of MS based on the data of routine health check-up of hospital staff in 2001 which collected 431 males and 829 females. We defined body mass index, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, fasting glucose, and total cholesterol and triglyceride concentrations as the five metabolic syndrome related markers. There were 17.4% males and 5.2% females were noted to have three or more metabolic syndrome related markers. And the prevalence increased along with age and male gender among the staff. There was significant difference in prevalence of every mark between male and female group. The highest prevalence of related markers was total cholesterol (34.6%) among staff. The MS prevalence of staffs had the same characteristics as other studies. In order to manage MS successfully, the study suggests strengthening a multidisciplinary approach to implement the preventive strategies in hospitals.


Hsieh, I. C. (2009). 睡眠時數與代謝症候群相關性研究 [master's thesis, National Taiwan University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2009.02312
