  • 期刊


Hearing Analysis in non-noise Working-An Experience from Northern Medical Center Health Examination


背景:日常環境與工廠的非噪音工作環境,噪音的危害,經常受到忽略,我們希望,藉由流行病學的分析,了解目前非特殊噪音作業下的聽力損傷的狀況為何? 方法與對象:我們以北部一家醫學中心,為公司行號做員工健診之資料庫。有很多的公司注意到聽力的問題,接受全頻聽力檢查,以找出員工損傷篩檢。我們以非噪音類勞工的聽力損傷為目標,了解目前非特定噪音作業類別員工的聽力以及與89年的勞工常規手冊的標準比較。 結果:一般非噪音作業勞工,聽力閾值達45分貝以上的盛行率為7.5%,一般勞工聽力損傷,以25分貝的損失為標準,右耳損傷有1705 (31.4%),左耳損傷有344位(6.3%),P值為<0.01。聽力喪失,以45分貝的損失為標準,右耳損傷有390(7.2%),左耳損傷有91位 (1.7%),P值為<0.01。二者均以右耳較左耳嚴重。以性別看,男性較女性多,各個年齡層以大於51歲最多。抽菸與聽力損傷(聽力閾值>25)二者以卡方檢定並沒有相關(p值0.807)。 與1997年的我國勞工聽力常模比較,超出非噪音作業的勞工相當的多,與噪音作業相近,尤其是在高齡部分甚至超過噪音作業。 結論:聽覺靈敏度隨年齡增長,而呈現退化;聽力損失在高頻較嚴重,男性退化較多。整體而言,2006年的聽力閾值較1997年為高。


Running Title: hearing impairment in non-noise worker Background: Noise environment hurt our hearing is often neglected. We try to realize the harm of the environment exclude the noise working place. Methods and Material: We use the database from a medical center, which comes from the health examination. We focus the non-noise worker. To find the hear damage and hear loss prevalence and risk factor. And compare to those data in 1997 publish by the IOSH Results: non-noise worker has 7.5% with hearing threshod over 45 decibel. If we use 25 decibel as the cutoff values, right ear damage 1705 (31.4%), left ear 344 (6.3%),P value<0.01 Hearing loss(threshold over 45 decibel), right ear 390 (7.2%), left ear 91 (1.7%), P value<0.01. Both right ear is worse than left ear. In view of sex, male is worse than women. Older person be worse. But smoking or alcohol doesn't matter to the hearing loss。, use the chi-square, p=0.807. Compared with 1997's report, much worse than at any frequence, that mean the hearing ability decrease in those year. Conclusion: sensivity decreased by age, in high frequence, it got more severe, male degenerated quickly then women and overall, hearing in 2006 is worse then in 1997.


nonnoise worker hearing damage age sex
