  • 期刊


The Association between Lumbar Spine Radiographic Findings and Low Back Pain Syndrome in Transportation and Storage Industry Workers


研究背景:下背痛是影響勞工和一般群眾的重要的健康問題,運輸倉儲業的勞工因為工作性質的緣故,是產生下背痛症狀的高危險群,很多引起工作相關的下背痛的危險因子已經研究清楚,但是對於這群勞工的腰椎X光攝影的異常和下背痛症狀的關係,目前還未被研究清楚。 方法:我們收集某運輸倉儲公司534位勞工接受常規員工健康檢查時所接受的腰椎正面及側面的X光影像,下背痛症狀、健康習慣及員工基本資料由自填問卷獲得。 結果:在534位勞工中,過去一年發生下背痛症狀的盛行率為38.8%。以多變項邏輯性迴歸分析在調整其他危險因子後:腰椎X光影像有椎間狹窄(危險對比值:2.6;95%信賴區間為1.68-3.88)、脊椎滑脫(危險對比值:4.5;95%信賴區間:2.56-8.08)、腰薦椎轉化椎體(危險對比值:5.2;95%信賴區間:2.48-11.11)等異常者;另外搬運物料的平均重量愈重者、工作年資愈長者、和每天工作時間愈久者、較容易有下背痛症狀。 結論:本研究發現運輸倉儲業的勞工,腰椎X光攝影若有椎間狹窄、脊椎滑脫、和轉化椎體等異常者,和下背痛症狀有明顯相關。對於這群勞工,我們應該積極對工作環境中造成下背痛的危險因子進行調整,來預防或減輕下背痛症狀。


Background: Low back pain is one of the most common health problem affecting general population and blue-collar workers. Due to the reason of job related nature, the workers of the transportation and storage industry are at high risk to cause low back pain. Many risk factors of work-related low back pain had been well studied. The relationships of radiographic abnormalities of lumbar spine and the low back pain have been rarely investigated. Method: We collected the lateral and anteroposterior views of lumbar spine x-ray from the routine health examination of 534 workers from the transportation and storage industry, Symptom of low back pain, working conditions, health habits and basic data of each participant were obtained by filling of questionnaire. Result: The one year prevalence rate of low back pain rate was 38.8% in 534 workers. Logistic regression analysis controlling for other risk factors revealed that workers with radiographic abnormalities of lumbar spine, specifically lumbar disc space narrowing (odds ratio (OR): 2.6; 95% confidence interval(CI): is 1.68-3.88), spondylolisthesis (OR: 4.5; 95% CI: 2.56-8.08), lumbosacral transitional vertebral body (OR: 5.2; 95% CI: 2.48-11.11); bulky manual lifting, and both with the longer length of service and the average daily working hours are associate with low back pain. Discussion: We found the association between low back pain and radiographic abnormality of lumbar spine such as lumbar disc space narrowing, spondylolisthesis, and lumbosacral transition vertebral body in workers of the transportation and storage industry. For these workers, we must adjust and control the risk factors of work-related low back pain to prevent or lesson the low back pain.


