  • 期刊


Multivariate Approach to Analyze Satisfaction of Employees in Hospital Workplace


新制醫院評鑑標準8.1.3.2項規定:傾聽員工心聲或建立其申訴管道,進行員工滿意度調查,增進溝通與互動,以提升工作效能。對於員工意見另具有回應者可評為B。倘再有具體且適當之處理,則可評定為A,醫院管理者需予面對此課題。 本研究利用多變量的因素分析、集群分析、判別分析、項目反應題目分析、及結構方程模式,研究南部某醫學中心2008年員工滿意度調查。關於醫院、部門、個人及信任特質的回個主要構面八個分量表共53題目,驗證各分量表各題構成單向度測量的因素,經由統計檢定並進行(1)與院長直接溝通的座談會名單篩選;(2)會談主題及主要訴求內容確立;(3)員工信任特質是滿意度提昇的驗證。 結果顯示:(1)女性醫師及醫技部門的女性同仁是最優先參與座談的對象;(2)會談主要訴求是關於個人的專業學習及醫院的福利措施;(3)提昇員工的信任特質,可以提昇員工的滿意程度。進行與院長直接溝通的座談,期以儘速發現問題、解決問題、強化員工信任特徵,尋求員工滿意度缺口的填補,以符合新制醫院評鑑標準8.1.3.2項可評為B及A之可能。


Newly developed hospital accreditation postulates that not only conducting an employee survey annually but also implementing solid and appropriate actions for workers was emphasized. In this study we adopted the multivariate approach to apply factor analysis, cluster analysis, discrimination analysis, item response theory based analysis and structure equation modeling to the employee satisfaction survey which was conducted in a medical center in southern part of Taiwan in the end of 2008. Three facets of Hospital, department and personal per se are focused in the questionnaire and expected to explore following three issues through statistical tests: 1) screening out the roll names to attending panel discussion with the hospital director; 2) making sure what subjects should be discussed in that panel; 3) verifying the employee characteristics as a key factor in satisfaction improvement. The results revealed that 1) female physicians and technicians are the top-priority to be concerned; 2) the main issues to be discussed are those learning in specialty and welfare and facilities in the hospital; 3) employee satisfaction could be promoted by the trust upgrading Talking with the director in solving problems of interest and in narrowing the gap of communication is the way to fit the needs postulated by the newly developed hospital accreditation.


