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The Study of the Factors That Affect Industrial Safety Satisfaction-An Empirical Study of Petrochemical Industry in Taiwan



國內石化工業最近工安事故頻傳,造成許多人命及財產的損失,激發本研究探討工安事故根本原因之動機。本研究從組織文化、個人因素以及管理層面來研究當前石化工業的工安問題。研究結果發現「安全管理」、「品質管理」與「勞動條件」對員工工安滿意度有顯著正向的影響。 在不同組織特性方面,顯示民營企業與中小型企業員工認知公司在安全管理、品質管理與承包商管理上較公營企業與大型企業佳。在不同員工特性方面亦顯示負責工安、環保或品管職務人員的安全態度與安全習慣均優於其他職務人員,且員工參與工安訓練次數愈多者,其安全態度、安全習慣、安全管理與品質管理的認知較佳。


In recent years, petrochemical accidents have become important issues in Taiwan. It motivated this study to investigate the factors behind the accidents, and to suggest the possible solutions to cope the tragedies. This study focuses on the effects of organizational culture, personal features, and managerial system on the industrial safety. It found that the safety management of the firms, the quality of general management, and the conditions of work environments, has positive effects on the safety satisfaction of individual employee. The results showed that the quality of safety management, and general management, and the management of subcontractors in industrial safety of private and smaller firms is comparatively better than that of public and larger firms. The study also showed that the factors of safety obligation, accident environment prevention, and managerial quality control were more significant than the factor of position in terms of their impact on employee's safety attitudes. And, firms that provide better safety training programs have better results on enforcing their employee's safety attitudes, safety management, and quality management.


