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Study on abusive supervision relationship contexts: Constructing through quality research




In workplace, work relationship between supervisor and subordinate is very important. But, in fact, the abusive supervise behaviors always show up among supervisors. The negative management behaviors will influence subordinates emotion and retention, and reduce organizational effectiveness. Therefore supervisor's management behaviors should be pay attention by company's managers. This study through deep-interviewing 10 respondents to get abusive supervision information of their supervisors. We generalized the concepts of abusive supervision are irreverence on employees, assertive management style, emotionalization, weak responsibility and refuse make progress. When subordinates faced the abusive supervision, they had bad mental-feeling and psychic-health, even had workplace deviance and anti-organizational citizenship actions. Finally, we induced two inter-action situations to explain the abusive supervise contexts, one is "task-orientation unequal between supervisor and subordinate", the other is "relationship-orientation unequal between supervisor and subordinate". According to the context information we gave some suitable management projects, suggestions and behaviors for supervisors to reference.
