

電磁脈衝能產生近均壓(Quasi-hydrostatic)之成形力,對於防止製品皺折產生及回彈問題的改善有極大的幫助;而電磁成形在10∼100μsec間即完成,使得材料本身產生超塑性(Hyperplasticity)的現象,大幅提升材料的延展性,此外其非接觸式之成形方式,可以有效延長模具的壽命。 本研究利用電磁成形的高速成形特性搭配均勻壓力線圈的使用,探討鋁合金、鎂合金以及純銅等板材在高速成形下對精微特徵尺寸的壓印成形能力,並嘗試以二道次及一道次複合電磁成形製程,評估製作殼件深度超過7mm以上,且表面具有精緻紋路圖案之電子產品金屬殼件的可行性。


Through EMF process, material can be stretched to much higher strains at high velocity versus conventional quasi-static stretching. We refer to this extended ductility in high velocity condition as hyperplasticity. The spatial distribution of forming pressure in electromagnetic forming can be controlled by the configuration of the actuator. A new type of actuator is discussed which gives a uniform pressure distribution in forming. Via EMF process, impact between sheet metal and a tool can create very large compressive stresses and these can be used to emboss micro-features in metal. In this work many of these concepts were attempted on a variety of materials including aluminum alloys, magnesium and copper, with the intent of producing technologies capable for producing cell phone cases.
