  • 期刊


Hatching success and causes of hatching failure of Kentish Plover Charadrius alexandrinus in Changhua Coastal Industrial Park



The hatching success and causes of failure of Kentish Plovers were studied in Changhua coastal industrial park in 1999. We found 110 Kentish Plover nests in 8 sites, total area 22.74 ha, in Shengshi, Changhua during mid-April to mid-May. The hatching success of 89.09% was high compared to other studies. Thirty-six experimental artificial nests were set for a two weeks period in May to examine the effects of predators and rainfall. Among the 12 unsuccessful nests, 6 were flooded, 4 were abandoned, and 2 were predated. Successful nests and unsuccessful nests showed no difference in distance to nearest road and distance to nearest vegetation line. The average hatching success of each site was not correlated with the area or width of each site. The Mayfield-estimated hatching success of the artificial nests was 19.38%. Among all the artificial nests, 27.8% were flooded and 25% were predated. Flooding caused by the heavy rain during spring and summer is the main reason for nest failure. Six Kentish Plover nests and 10 artificial nests monitered were flooded. Clutch predation rate was low. Only 2 Kentish Plover nests and 9 artificial nests were predated, mainly by dogs. Garbage dumping and researcher activities which attracted dogs into the breeding sites are the only human disturbance recorded.


The hatching success and causes of failure of Kentish Plovers were studied in Changhua coastal industrial park in 1999. We found 110 Kentish Plover nests in 8 sites, total area 22.74 ha, in Shengshi, Changhua during mid-April to mid-May. The hatching success of 89.09% was high compared to other studies. Thirty-six experimental artificial nests were set for a two weeks period in May to examine the effects of predators and rainfall. Among the 12 unsuccessful nests, 6 were flooded, 4 were abandoned, and 2 were predated. Successful nests and unsuccessful nests showed no difference in distance to nearest road and distance to nearest vegetation line. The average hatching success of each site was not correlated with the area or width of each site. The Mayfield-estimated hatching success of the artificial nests was 19.38%. Among all the artificial nests, 27.8% were flooded and 25% were predated. Flooding caused by the heavy rain during spring and summer is the main reason for nest failure. Six Kentish Plover nests and 10 artificial nests monitered were flooded. Clutch predation rate was low. Only 2 Kentish Plover nests and 9 artificial nests were predated, mainly by dogs. Garbage dumping and researcher activities which attracted dogs into the breeding sites are the only human disturbance recorded.
