  • 期刊


The Inheritance and Innovation of Notes stories in the Ming Dynasty From "The Type-Index of Chinese Folktales recorded Before 1911"




The writing of this article has its roots in my assistance in editing "The Type-Index of Chinese Folktales recorded Before 1911". In the process of literary research, I used the familiar notes stories from the Ming Dynasty to chronologically detail life stories, fantasies, religious tales, animal tales, and comedies. The genres and categories of these stories are discussed to explore both the traditional and innovative ideas that are passed when stories are circulated. Regarding the different categories, life stories, fantasies, and religious tales usually involve the extension of established topics, while the rise of comedies can be witnessed in the Ming dynasty. As for change and new creations in the Ming Dynasty, there was a pattern of expression in the spirits of self-awareness and autonomy.


Literary sketches Note stories Type Folktales


唐•張鷟撰,恒鶴校點:《朝野僉載》卷 5,見《唐五代筆記小說大觀》(上海:上海古籍出版社,2000 年 3 月),頁 60-61。
明•李詡撰,魏連科點校:《戒庵老人漫筆》(北京:中華書局,2006 年 10 月),卷 1〈江令精察〉,頁 37-38。
金榮華主編,陳麗娜、黃玉緞、林彥如、張瑞文協編:《中國歷代筆記故事類型索引》,台北:中國口傳文學學會,民國 108 年 4 月
戰國•韓非著,清•王先慎集解:《韓非子集解》(台北:藝文印書館,民國 93 年 10 月),卷 16〈難三〉,頁 587。
晉•干寶撰,汪紹楹校注:《搜神記》(台北:里仁書局,民國 88 年 1 月),卷 11「嚴遵為揚州刺史」條,頁 144。
