  • 期刊


Zi Shuo Research in Er Ya Yi




The Song Dynasty was a transition period of "YA learning", "Er Ya Yi" and "Pi Ya" were the most representative works in this period. The "Er Ya Yi", which writte by LuoYuan, Wang Yinglin give it a commended that "It is both essential and practical, and detailed." As "Si ku Quan Shu Zong Mu Ti Yao" stated that his research is accurate and comprehensive, the stylistic rules and layout are rigorous in the book, so that is why it's better than Lu Dian's "Pi Ya" above. "In addition, this book is specialized in explaining fishes, birds, beasts and vegetation's names from books wihtout explaining vocabulary. there are many lost literatures as "Zi Lin", "Zi Shu", "Zi Zhi", "ZI Shuo", "PI Cang", "GU Wen Zi Gu" and so on among the cited books, and they are all before the Song Dynasty. "ZI Shu" is one of them which Wang Anshi displayed his knowledge of philology, However, it's lost and pass off in the end of the Song Dynasty, because of Wang Anshi losing his political power. This article is going to extract materials in "Er Ya Yi" which cited from "Zi Shuo", then compare to "Shuo Wen" to explore thier connections by annotating, furthermore, to realize the synopsis of Wang Anshi's theory of Word science.


竇秀艷:《中國雅學史》,(濟南,齊魯書社,2004 年 9 月),頁 157。
(宋)羅願撰;(元)洪焱祖釋:《爾雅翼》,(臺北:新文豐出版公司,民 74 年),《叢書集成新編》本,第 37 册,頁 689。
(宋)王安石:《臨川先生文集•熙寧字說序》,(臺北,臺灣中華書局,1964 年),收錄於《四部備要》,第四冊,頁 4。
《續資治通鑑長編》卷二百二十九。收錄於(清)永瑢、紀昀纂修《景印文淵閣四庫全書》,(臺北:臺灣商務印書館,1986 年 3 月),第 317 冊,頁 763。
《宋史•王安石傳》。收錄於(清)永瑢、紀昀纂修《景印文淵閣四庫全書》,(臺北:臺灣商務印書館,1986年 3 月),第 286 冊,頁 337。
