  • 期刊

Analysis of Use of Humidifiers with Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Therapy for ObstructiveSleep Apnea-Hypopnea Syndrome



前言:睡眠呼吸中止症為臨床常見之疾病,若不治療會引起其他包括心血管方面重大之疾病。現今治療睡眠呼吸中止症首選,仍是讓病人於睡眠時佩戴陽壓呼吸器。而使用陽壓呼吸器外須搭配潮溼器以減輕配戴陽壓呼吸器時所造成之不適。故進行分析睡眠呼吸中止症之病人使用正壓呼吸器併用潮溼器之狀況。方法:從2011 年9 月至2014 年7 月,依病例回顧,收集基隆長庚醫院診斷睡眠呼吸中止症並穩定使用陽壓呼吸器超過且超過六個月之病人進行統計分析。結果:共收集219(n=219)個病患。結果分析後顯示,所有的病患中只有4 個未使用潮溼器,而大部份使用潮溼器的等級落在2 和3。潮溼器的使用等級和陽壓呼吸器的平均壓力有顯著的相關性,而年齡及陽壓呼吸器的平均漏氣量則有較弱的相關性。結論:大部份睡眠呼吸中止症病人使用陽壓呼吸器治療,多數須使用潮溼器,潮溼器的使用等級和陽壓呼吸器的平均壓力有顯著之正相關性。


Background: Obstructive sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome (OSAHS) is a commonly occurring disease characterized by repetitive obstructive breathing pauses during sleep. Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) is still regarded as a first-line treatment and the humidifier is a widely used device to alleviate the adverse effects of CPAP. Method: This was a retrospective observational study that covered the period September 2011 to July 2014. Patients were eligible to participate if they had a confirmed diagnosis of OSAHS and had been under stable use of CPAP for more than 6 months. Humidifier levels and adjustments were recorded. The results underwent correlation analysis with age, gender, BMI, AHI, CPAP median pressure, and CPAP median leaks. Results: A total of 219 patients were enrolled in our observational study. All of the subjects but 4 used a humidifier, and the most commonly used humidifier levels were 2 (46.1%) and 3 (26%). There was a significant correlation between humidifier level and median CPAP pressure (r=0.156; p=0.021), and a weak correlation between humidifier level and age (r=0.116; p=0.087) and median CPAP leaks (r=0.113; p=0.096). Conclusion: Most of the OSAHS patients who received CPAP treatment used a humidifier, and most of the humidifiers were used at levels 2-3. More than half of the patients would adjust the humidifier level. Median CPAP pressure had a significant correlation with humidifier level.
