  • 期刊


Scientific Aspect of Art Treatises on Skies during the British Romantic Era: from Cozens's Composition of Sky to Ruskin's Cloud Perspective


英國浪漫時期因時代背景、思潮與種種藝術環境的刺激,促使天空題材的重要性在西洋風景畫史上達到顛峰期,當時很多畫家與藝評家視「天空」爲一幅畫的重心。而最能直接反應此時期畫家重視天空角色的事實,除了當時天空習作的大量出現,即是天空畫論的突增。本文主旨在耙梳此時期有關天空的論述,再經逐一分析且比較,探究出這些論述最明顯的特色是以科學觀點貫穿其間,且涵蓋三項共通的論點:主張天空是一幅風景畫的重心;強調天空變幻萬千,需客觀仔細觀察:提出客觀描繪天空的方法、建議,或甚至範例圖。而其中以寇任斯(A. Cozens)、寇克斯(D. Cox)及羅斯金(J. Ruskin)三畫家圖文並重的論述最具代表性,幾乎各自代表此時期天空畫論在各階段的特色。由初期著重天空構圖,中期強調雲的型態、色彩與光線,到晚期提出雲的透視,正顯示出英國浪漫時期天空畫論由簡單趨複雜而艱澀的發展。此外,亦探討出這些畫論大都具有激發、倡導,或是幫助學習者和書家實際創作天空的功能。


天空畫論 寇任斯 寇克斯 羅斯金


The role of the sky in British landscape painting works up to a climax during the Romantic era, and the most direct evidence of the phenomenon is the abrupt increase of both sky studies and art treatises on skies. The aim of this essay is to dig out these sky treatises and analyze them. After studying these treatises, we can find chat almost every treatise is based on the scientific point of view, and shares three major points to the others: emphasising the key role of the sky in a landscape painting; accentuating the necessity of the keen observation to the ever-changing skies; pointing out the methods, suggestions, or even illustrations of how to depict skies. The treatises with instructive illustrations on skies written separately by Alexander Cozens, David Cox, and John Ruskin, are the most important, each of winch would just represent the different stages of the Romantic era, emphasizing from sky-composition, to types, colours, and light of cloud, then cloud-perspective. Obviously, it reveals that the development of sky treatises during Romantic era is from simple to complicate, then difficult. Moreover, we find that most sky treatises of this period had certain effects on the learners and artists of the time.


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李淑卿(2004)。光輝多彩的天國-嵌書中的天空(A.D. 313-730)。台北藝術大學《藝術評論》。15,151-189。
李淑卿(2006)。風雨交加-David Cox的天空。中央大學《人文學報》。30,139-207。
