  • 期刊


"Writing" Repetitively or Differently: On Guo Songfen's "Writing" and "On Writing"




書寫 重複 差異 作品 不可能性


Guo Songfen is considered one of the major Taiwanese writers Modernist generation. This paper focuses on two of his famous works, "Writing" and "On Writing," by reflecting on the questions of reading and analyzing a literary work as well as the singularity of writing. On the one hand, "Writing" and "On Writing" are two similar pieces of writing. However, is it possible that they could also demonstrate a variation of writing? If they are repetitive works, the motivation of the author could be questioned. On the other hand, if they are two different works, why is it necessary and important to divide them into two independent texts? This paper sets out to explore Guo's purpose of repeating a story that demonstrates that there is no way to repeat the same work since writing does not represent but creates. Writing does not represent our thinking but creates a new thought. As sometimes we feel like a stranger when we read what we have written. Yet this failure of expression makes us keep writing because we need to express ourselves. By repeating the same story, Guo shows the characteristics of writing: the force of the difference.


writing repetition difference work impossibility


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