  • 期刊


The Implementation of Oxbridge-style Residential Education in Lanyang Campus in I-lan Based on the Experiences of American Universities



隨著知識經濟時代的來臨,高等教育在二十一世紀必然面臨結構性與本質性的變化,而通識教育所扮演「專業」與「人文」統整的角色也與日俱增。二十世紀末全球的教育界開始大聲疾呼各大學重視人文基礎課程對學生人生價值建立與思考脈絡統整的培養。在台灣,隨著社會、經濟型態的轉變,調整過去以職業和專業取向為重的教育目標,藉著通識課程來培養學生的文化素養、基本能力、科學知識和宏觀視野,已是一個值得重視的議題。 本研究目的主旨為由三所美國大學實施英式全人教育學院的個案研究,探討英式全人教育在國內教育環境成功的可能性與未來發展的方向,並以2005即將招生淡江大學「蘭陽校園」為評估對象,分析其可能遭遇的困難與未來的解決方式。本文架構共分為六大部分,包含前言、研究方法、英式全人教育內涵、蘭陽學院之發展型態、三個美國個案分析、蘭陽校園實施全人教育學院評估及結論。首先,探討英式全人教育的內涵與意義,其次,分析三所美國大學實施英式全人教育成敗的主因。並藉由歸納與綜合分析,評估此一理念在國內高等教育實施可能需在制度上與政策上突破的難關與成功的可能性為何。最後,將對國內一些想建立小而精緻之學院,且有別於一般研究型大學或綜合型大學者,提供一個可參考的方向。


Since the twenty-first century is a time of knowledge-based global economy, higher education faces great challenges in the structural and contextual transformation, in that the importance of general education in integrating the academic profession with humanity is increasing rapidly. Following the end of 20(superscript th) Century, in fact, many universities are committed to integrating intellectual, personal, and ethical formation via a variety of courses in general education. In order to meet the demands of a pluralistic society, higher education must make new breakthroughs, adjustments and planning with vision and foresight to seek improvement and development in the design of cultural and humanistic curriculum, instead of taking care of professional courses only. The purpose of the study is to understand the implementation of Oxbridge-style residential education in three American universities and evaluate its feasibilities and future developments adopted in Taiwan higher education. The implementation of Oxbridge-style residential education in Lanyang campus established in 2005, which was chosen as a target subject of the study, will be estimated through content analysis approach. The study is divided into 6 parts: introduction, literature review of Oxbridge-style residential education a typology of colleges developed in Lanyang Campus, case study of three American universities, evaluation of implementation of Oxbridge-style residential education in Lanyang campus, and conclusion. First, the content of Oxbridge-style residential education will be discussed. The failure in three American universities which attempted to implement Oxbridge-style residential education since the end of the 19(superscript th) century will be analyzed. Finally, the possibilities of implementation of Oxbridge-style residential education in Lanyang campus will be fully stated. Suggestions derived from American universities experiences are expected to be provided at the end.


