  • 期刊



This study was conducted during the 1977-1978 school year, which included a five-month training and a two-month detraining period. Twenty one volunteer male members of the University of Minnesota varsity ice hockey team, who ranged from 18 to 23 years participated in the study. The purposes of this study were; 1. To determine descriptive information on physiological and psychological measures, skill performance and Rating of Perceived Exertion in university male varsity ice hockey players. 2. To determine relationships among selected physiological psychological, and Rating of Perceived Exertion, and skill performance measures, associated with a university ice hockey season(20 weeks). 3. To determine the chronic effects of a 20weeks training and competition season as well as 8 week detraining periods on selected physiological, psychological measures and Rating of Perceived Exertion. Data were collected from variables associated with four domains; physiological and anthropometric(11 measures);psychological measures(18 scales from CPI,6 factors from POMS);skill performance and penalties and RPE. The effect of the ice hockey season of training and competition on the various measures, and detraining, were determined through the use of the student t-tests and one-way analysis of variance. Pearson Product Correlation Coefficients were used to determine relationships among amount of physical activities and maximal oxygen consumption. With the limitation of this study, the following conclusions were derived; 1. A season of training and competition had little effect on the improvement of maximal aerobic capacity, but associated measures of pulmonary ventilation, oxygen extration, respiratory quotient were improved. Cardiovascular responses and heart rate were improved during sub maximal work. However, detraining deteriorated both cardiac and pulmonary function. 2. Personality traits of ice hockey players, measures from California Psychological Inventory were stable throughout a hockey season. Only measures on Femininity decreased, which reflect that the subject became more out going, ambitious and masculine associated with training. 3. Mood States measures characteristics of anger, antipathy, readiness to fight, feeling of intensity, vigor and high energy level; weariness and inertia increased throughout an ice hockey season. 4. There appear to be some significant re-relationships between the physiological measures as they related to the CPI but there was little relationship to the POMS measures. 5. Physiological measures had little relationship to skill performance. CPI and POMS measures were also found related to skill performance. 6. Rating of Perceived Exertion demonstrated linear relationship with heart rate and work load. RPE were related to CPI and POMS measures.


