  • 期刊



針對大學生學習三級跳遠敎材時的新奇性、單調性等學習心理,試圖設計以「學生爲主,敎師爲副」的敎學形式,並用隨機分派方式,將學生分成實驗組和控制組從事實驗設計,進而比較且瞭解學生學習三級跳遠的紀錄演變、三級跳遠三步距離進步率、學習態度、學習的困難、運動傷害等。本研究以國立高雄師範學院七十五學年度一年級男生73人爲研究對象,經過爲期九節課(450分鐘)的刻意設計敎學後,結果發現: 1.實驗組學生的三級跳遠紀錄,由學前的9.07公尺進步至學後的9.68公尺,且具有顯著性差異。而控制組學生的三級跳遠紀錄,由學前的9.09公尺,至學後的9.13公尺,無顯著性差異。 2.實驗組學生的三級跳遠三步距離進步率,由學前的Hop 3.04公尺、Step 2.29公尺、Jump 3.79公尺,進步至學後的Hop 3.18公尺(進步率4.60%)、Step 2.65公尺(進步率率15.72%)、Jump 3.77公尺(進步率0.52%)。而控制組學生的三步距離進步率,由學前Hop 3.03公尺、Step 2.29公尺、Jump 3.74公尺,至學後的Hop 2.94公尺(進步率-2.97%)、Step 2.29公尺(進步率0)、Jump 3.87公尺(進步率3.47%)。 3.實驗組學生的學習三級跳遠態度,於學習後稍有改變成爲積極的一面。 4.在三級跳遠的運動技能學習中,實驗組多數學生咸認以Step的技能較難學好。 5.在爲期九節課的學習過程中,有20人曾發生過運動傷害,傷害的部位以踝關節居首位。




The Triple Jump learning methods for college students were both monotonous and unsanitary; therefore, the writer intended to study how to design a teacher-centered teaching program, and to measure improvements in students' performances, learning attitudes, learning difficulties, sports injuries, and their progress in the Triple Jump(Hop-Step-and-Jump).By means of random assignment subjects were divided into an experimental group and a control group. The subjects for this study were 113 sophomore boys of National Kaohsiung Teachers' College in 1986.After nine periods(450 minutes)of Triple Jump teaching, the results showed that: 1.The experimental group showed significant improvement(from 9.07 meters to 9.68meters);the control group showed hardly any improvement at all(from 9.09 meters to 9.13meters). 2.Improvement for the experimental group in the Triple Jump was 4.60% for the Hop(pre-test 3.04meters,post-test 3.18 meters);15.72% for the Step(2.29 meters to 2.65meters);and-0.52% for the Jump(3.79 meters to 3.77 meters).Improvement for the control group was-2.97% for the Hop(pre-test 3.03 meters, post-test 2.94 meters);0% for the Step(2.29 meters to 2.29 meters);and 3.47% for the Jump(3.74 meters to 3.87 meters). 3.After the experiment, the learning attitude of the experimental group became more positive than before. 4.Among the three kinds of Triple Jump, Hop, Step, Jump, the Step technique was felt to be the most difficult to learn by most experimental group members. 5.During the 9-section learning period,20 students were hurt, mostly in their ankles.



