  • 期刊


Biomechanical Analysis of the Elite Taiwan High Jumpers in the Fosbury Flop


本實驗是使用兩部高速電子攝影機,及兩部VHS攝影機,作同步拍攝國內民國81年度男子排名前十傑中的四位優秀選手,進行三度空間的運動學分析,並利用KISTLER測力板測量起跳時的垂直力量與垂直衝量,了解國內優秀選手在背向式跳高中,跳過兩公尺時的運動學及動力學的變化及其關係。 本研究經過台灣師大體育研究所運動生物力學實驗室,VIDEO-3D影帶分析系统,處理分析所得資料,得到的結論如下: 1.四位選手助跑最後第二步步幅與最後一步步幅、速度、角度,均比國外一流選手為小為慢,尤其最後一步的速度比國外一流選手差距更大,應針對這點加以改進。 2.在跳高運動,每跳一次花費身體體重的2到7倍之多的垂直力量,因此必須增加選手身體全身的肌力,尤其是腿部及腳部的肌力。 3.四位選手起跳踏地時身體重心高度(H0);起跳時起跳腳離地瞬間的身體重心高度(H1)與起跳時身體重心飛程的高度皆比國外一流跳高選手為低,尤其是離地後身體飛程的重心高度(H2)比國外一流選手低最多,是要加強的重點。而四位選手從起跳時達到最高點身體重心與横竿距離較接近,顯示過竿技術較佳。 4.四位選手起跳水平速度、垂直速度與起跳時合速度,三種速度均比國外一流選手慢。所以四位選手應該特别加強速度訓練。 5.四位選手的起跳水平角度比國外一流選手大,而起跳的抛射角度,比國外優秀選手還小。如果水平角度過大可能造成垂直抛射角度不利。 6.四位選手的起跳腳在踏地時膝關節的角度比國外一流選手較小。而起跳離地時的膝關節角度,與國外一流選手幾乎相同。至於起跳時前導腿抬的高度與水平所成的角度平均為-8度,顯示四位優秀選手的前導腿抬的高度都不過高。 7.四位選手助跑最後第二步至最後一步到起跳踏地或離地時的内傾角度,均比國外一流選手為小。尤其在起跳踏地時的內傾現象較為明顯。關於助跑最後第二步至最後一步踏地或離地時的前傾後傾角度均比國外一流選手較小,尤其在起跳踏地時的前傾後傾角度,有明顯較內現象。 8.四位選手起跳點離竿距離平均為93公分,於國外一流選手離橫竿距離的80到140公分之間。顯示四位選手的起跳點離竿距離尚可。




The purpose of this study was to analyze the changes and relationship of the flop in kinematics and mechanics of the four elite Taiwan high jumpers with personal best marks over 2m in 1992. The jumps were filmed simultaneously with two high-speed electronic video cameras and two VHS cameras to collect the 3-D (3-Dimentional) data of these four subjects. A force platform was used to measure the vertical impulse and force of the take-off jumps. The films were analyzed at a speed of 125 frames/sec, and used the direct liner transformation method to coordinted 3-D data of the two high-speed electronic video cameras. The films shot by two VHS cameras were analyzed at 30 frames/sec. The frequency of the force platform was 250hz. The results of this study were as followed: 1. In comparison with the experienced foregin high jumpers, the four elite Taiwan atheletes should increase the length, speed and the approach angle of the last two strides, especically the speed on the last stride. 2. As each take-off needs 2-7 times of the athelete's weight to produce vertical force, the high jumpers should develop as much muscle power as possible, especially the power of feet and legs. 3. The average values of H0, H1, H2, and H3, the four average CGS of the jumps during the takeoff phase, were smaller than those of the elite foregin high jumpers. The average value of H2 should be increase more. According to the smaller average value of H3 of the four subjects, it indicated amore effective bar clerance techinque. 4. The average velocities, including the average verlocity of the end of run-up, the horizontal velocity and the vertical velocity of the subjects during the take-off phase were slower than the elite foreign atheletes, therefore, those elite high jumpers in R.O.C require more tranining on increasing the speed of run-up. 5. Compared with the foregin high jumpers, the average horizontal angle of the four trials was larger; the average degree of the projected angles was smaller. 6. The average angle of flexion of the Knee of the take-off leg of touchdown was smaller than those of foregin atheletes. The average angle between the lead leg thigh and the ground was -8°, it was expected higher. 7. In comparison with the elite foregin high jumpers, the four subjects with smaller lateral lean toward the center of the curve at the end and start of the take-off phase, it means the trunks of the subjects have larger lateral lean at the last two strides of the run-up, especially at the take-off and touchdown. And the same phenamena occurs when the four subjects lean backward and foreward at take-off touchdown. 8. The average value of the take-off distance(TOD)was 93cm, compared with the foreign athelete's 80cm to 140cm,was without big difference.


