  • 期刊



本研究宗旨在探討國立台灣工業技術學院學生對體育敎學之關注程度,並比較其性別、年制及系別間之差異性。以934名學生為對象進行問卷調查,經統計分析得到如下結論: 一、絕大多數學生對本校目前體育課程的編排與相關設施均相當關心,且參與感均很高,同時非常希望多開發有關體育活動方面的資訊,以滿足運動方面需求。 二、學生對老師的敎學方式、敎學内容及敎學態度,也表現出極高的關心度,顯然本校在體育敎學的本質已達到相當水準,此點從大部份學生均反應「體育課程應列為必修且必要性」之積極關心程度得知。 三、學生對本校運動空間、場地及器材方面的設施,則深表關心。而如何闢增上述等設施,則尚待努力解決。 四、學生對體育課上課人數的編配方面,希望採用小班制;選修的運動項目能符合自己的專長;有機會多關心國際與國內體育現勢的發展;能多瞭解運動規則,甚至對吸收有關營養、健康與體能方面的訊息,都表極為關心。可見本校學生在體育課程方面的需求和觸角伸展極為寬廣,呈現朝氣蓬勃的氣象。 五、在差異上,女生關心敎學方式,而男生關注規則資訊。四年制對體育必修與自主性比二年制及在職班關心。而化工、資管、電機與纖維系對場地應用較為關注。電機、纖維及營建系與老師思想溝通的關注上比較明顯。




The purpose of this study was to investigate the degree of concern the students at the National Taiwan Institute of Technology (NTIT)showed in Physical Education. A comparison between students of different sexes, years, and departments was also made. The questionnaire was administered to 934 students currently enrolled at NTIT. Feedback from the students was then carefully calculated and analyzed; thus the following conclusions were reached: 1. The majority of the students took considerable interest in the learning facilities and the way physical education courses were organized and offered. In addition, the students were eager to participate in the sports activities offered on campus. They hoped that more information concerning sports activities should be made known to them to satisfy their need. 2. The students were positive about course presentation, course content, and the attitude of the instructor in physical education. Besides, they felt that courses in physical education should be required of all undergraduate students. The implication was that quality teaching in physical education was being offered at NTIT. 3. The students also displayed due concern about the limited sports space, facilities, equipment, and audio-visual facilities at NTIT. But the increase of these facilities and equipment still need more efforts from the school administration to overcome various difficulties. 4. The students expressed that they preferred smaller class sizes, that they should have freedom to choose their specification, that they should be informed of the current national and international development in sports, that they wanted to know more about sports rules and regulations, and that they were interested in knowledge about nutrition, health, and physical fitness. It was encouraged to learn that the sutdents at NTIT took deep interest in courses in physical education and indicated their need for more knowledge in this field. 5. The students of different sexes, years, and departments displayed distinct in physical education courses. The female students paid more attention to the way of course presentation, but the male students were more interested in the information of sports rules and regulations. Four-year-program students were more concerned about the requirement and independence of the courses than two-year-upper-divisional-program students and part-time upper-divisional-evening-program students. Students of the Departments of Chemical Engineering, Information Management, Electrical Engineering, and Textile Engineering showed more interest in the utilization of sports facilities. Besides, students of Electrical Engineering, Textile Engineering, and Construction Engineering were more eager to communicate with their instructor.


