  • 期刊


The Effect of Three-Month Weight Controlling Program on the Blood Lipid in the Junior College Students


The major goal is to investigate the effect of weight-controlling on the body values of bad cholesterol--Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) and Very Low Density Lipoprotein (VLDL) in the members anticipating the weight-controlling program provided by Chia-Nan Junior College of Pharmacy. BMI were utilized as the standard to justify whether the students were overweight or not. Those whose BMI were above 27.2 (male) or 26.9 (female) were defined as overweight. In the 6022 samples,229 students were overweight, In addition,58 from 229overweight subjects were surveyed agreeing to take part in the weight-contolling program and subdivided into 4 different groups including(1)Exercise and Diet Control Group(EDCG)-13 subjects, (2)Exercise Control Group(ECG)-12 subjects, (3)Diet Control Group (DCG)-13 subjects and(4)Contrast Group(CG)-20 subjects. The subjects of ECG were prescribed to perform the exercises 30 minutes per day, three days a week. The exercise intensity was progressively increased until the subjects reached the 70%-85% of the predicted maximal heart rate. In the DCG, the subjects were demanded to reduce their dietary intake for 500-1000 kcal per day. The end results of LDL and VLDL values subsequent to three-month program were testified by t-test. The One-Way ANOVA and Scheffe method were used to analyze the variation between each groups. The results indicated that LDL and VLDL values were changed by ECG or DCG. However, EDCG were considered as the best weight-controlling program.


The major goal is to investigate the effect of weight-controlling on the body values of bad cholesterol--Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) and Very Low Density Lipoprotein (VLDL) in the members anticipating the weight-controlling program provided by Chia-Nan Junior College of Pharmacy. BMI were utilized as the standard to justify whether the students were overweight or not. Those whose BMI were above 27.2 (male) or 26.9 (female) were defined as overweight. In the 6022 samples,229 students were overweight, In addition,58 from 229overweight subjects were surveyed agreeing to take part in the weight-contolling program and subdivided into 4 different groups including(1)Exercise and Diet Control Group(EDCG)-13 subjects, (2)Exercise Control Group(ECG)-12 subjects, (3)Diet Control Group (DCG)-13 subjects and(4)Contrast Group(CG)-20 subjects. The subjects of ECG were prescribed to perform the exercises 30 minutes per day, three days a week. The exercise intensity was progressively increased until the subjects reached the 70%-85% of the predicted maximal heart rate. In the DCG, the subjects were demanded to reduce their dietary intake for 500-1000 kcal per day. The end results of LDL and VLDL values subsequent to three-month program were testified by t-test. The One-Way ANOVA and Scheffe method were used to analyze the variation between each groups. The results indicated that LDL and VLDL values were changed by ECG or DCG. However, EDCG were considered as the best weight-controlling program.


