  • 期刊


A Discussion on Physical Fitness of College Female Student in Pre-menstrual and In-menstrual Cycle


從古代奧運會的歧視已婚女性參與,至今日現代奧運會的女性參與率偏低,可證明現代文明社會,有需要再爲人口一半的女性花費一些精神與專注,體適能在八十年代分類爲健康體能(health-related)及競技體能(skill-related)後,不但學術性探討,無法契合潮流,況且對婦科學上問題的研究也發現相當的低比率,而對女性參加競賽或運動最具影響的是婦女月經週期,本文研究之目的即在於由體適能的測量,提供二專女生體育敎學時的參考。 景文工商一至二年級女生六十五人爲受測樣本,其經期非常穩定,從二十七天至卅一天,在經期前三天及經期後三天施以有關之體適能測量,測驗項目有年齡、身高、體重、速度(五十公尺),柔軟性(軀幹彎曲)、肌力(仰臥起坐),敏捷性(伊利諾曲折跑),無氧動力(立定跳遠),協調性(網球彈牆),平衡性(静態平衡)及有氧能力(YWCA踏階),所有數據經t-test後,只有速度及平衡性接近差異顯著水準,因此可獲結論爲1.月經期中,體育敎學的敎材中,如有速度性及平衡性項目,應盡量避免施敎。2.經期變化主考量多種因素原因,故應盡量避免過度用力性項目敎材。3.國内體適能測量應盡量考慮國際化與標準化。


Examination of artifacts from primitine societies and cultures, we did not find what extent women participated in games or play of some sort. It is of curious interest to note that the ancient Olympic Games were open to all spectators except married women. It is also discriminated to female athletes from Mordern Olympic Game from those historical facts. It is necessary to put much more attention and effort to our female fellows. In 80's, physical fitness were spill into health-related and skill-related. But most of researches still focus on either female athletics or training. From gynecological considerations, menstrual cycle is important related to exercise and sports. It is our purpose to check-up the physical fitness of college female students when they are in-menstrual cycle. Samples were selected from class Ⅰ-Ⅲ in Chin-Wen College. After characteristics examination, sixty-five female students were accepted pre-menstrual and in-menstrual tests in those items as: speed, flexibility strength, agility, anaerobic power, coordination, balance and aerobic ability. After t-test, we found only speed and balance approach the significant different level. It could be transferred to the course of physical education and sports. We also suggest that all the physical fitness tests should be coped with the internationalization and standardization.
