  • 期刊


A Study of the Policy Change of Physical Education and Sport from the Central Government Budget in Taiwan


本研究目的乃從「政策分析」的觀點,以中華民國歷年中央政府體育預算之編列變化分析體育政策之變遷。本研究方法採內容分析法,從「政策變遷」的途徑,來分析、解釋中華民國體育政策的變遷現象,作為傳統政策分析觀點的另一途徑。本研究期間以1961年至2003年為範圍,分析資料以中華民國中央政府預算書(1961-2003)為主,並參考其他相關資料為分析依據。從歷年體育預算之分析,本研究結果如下:(l)中華民國體育預算在總預算之比率有逐年提昇之趨勢,顯示政府對體育政策的逐漸重視;(2)中華民國「體育預算」主管機關,在 1998 年前由「教育部主管」,直到 1999 年「行政院體育委員會」成立,其主管機關才分屬「行政院」及「教育部」,「單位預算機關名稱」亦改由「行政院體育委員會」及「教育部」;(3)鬥中華民國「體育預算」之內容,隨著時代變遷而有不同名稱,其內容約可歸類為行政與輔導、全民運動、競技運動、國際體育、運動環境改善、學校體育等六大項目;(4)中華民國體育預算之分配,不同時期有其不同重心,1960-79年代以競技運動及行政輔導為主軸,1980-89年代則以競技運動及改善運動環境為主,1990-2003年代預算之分配較均衡姿展,但仍以改善運動環境、競技運動及學校體育為重心;(5)從中華民國「體育預算」分析,發現「政策變遷」之三種層次現象,在政策工具使用配置、政策工具類型及政策目標上產生變遷現象。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the policy change of physical education in Taiwan by chronological budget preparation of physical education from aspects of “policy analysis”. The study utilized content analysis to investigate and explained the changing phenomenon of physical education policy as the other aspect of traditional policy analysis from view of “changing policy”. The study investigated mainly data of Budget Book of R.O.C (1961-2003), and referred to relevant information. The results of above data of chronological budget showed as follows: 1. Budget of physical education in Taiwan increase gradually in percentage of annual government budget from 0.0084% (1960-1969) to 0.2522% (2000-2003). It shows that government gives weight to the policy of physical education. 2. The authority of “RE. budget” was subordinate to the Ministry of Education, then it was subordinate to the Executive Yuan and the Ministry of Education respectively when the National Council on Physical Fitness and Sports established. 3. With the changing policy of physical education, the content of P.E. budget has different names and it different priorities can be classified to six parts of administration and guidance, sport for all, competition, international sport, improvement of sport environment, and RE. of schools. 4. RE. budget focuses on different aspects in each stage. It mainly supported international competition in 1960-1979s, competition and improvement of sport environment in 1980-1989. Then the budget distribution develops evenly, but competition, RE. budget of schools, and improvement of sport environment still takes higher position in 1990-2003. 5. The gradation of “policy changing” can be found from observed from “P.E. budget” analysis including distribution, types of policy instrument, and policy goal.


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