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The effects of the adventure education program for adolescents with internet addiction behavior


緒論:本研究目的旨在探討冒險教育方案對網路成癮青少年之成效。方法:本研究以青少年網路成癮行為改善冒險教育方案為主軸進行設計,並採「不等組前─後測」準實驗設計,以51位就讀於高雄市某國中並經過「網路使用檢核表」篩選之青少年為實驗對象,依有無參加冒險教育課程者,分為實驗組25位與對照組26位,並透過6週44小時的冒險教育方案(平面探索遊戲、團隊定向、高低空繩索、登山健行與單車挑戰)介入,以「網路成癮」量表檢驗方案成效。研究所得資料則以SPSS 18.0統計套裝軟體,進行單因子變異數分析。結果:有參加冒險教育課程的實驗組參與者之後測分數,在網路成癮及其五個構面(強迫上網、戒斷反應、耐受性、人際問題以及健康問題)之分數減少,均明顯優於對照組,並皆達到統計上顯著水準(F值介於11.41至55.73間,p<.05)。同時,依據實驗組效果量結果(介於.19-.54之間)發現有輕度到中度的正向改變。結論:冒險教育方案能夠減少網路成癮行為。最後,研究者針對後續研究(研究對象、研究設計與多元方案設計)與方案實施(注重安全考量、建立規範連結與深化反思分享)提供建議,以提高本研究之貢獻性。


Introduction: The purpose of this study is to explore the effects of adventure education program for adolescents with internet addiction behavior. Methods: The adventure education courses were designed aiming at behavior improvement for internet-addicted adolescents. Quasi-experimental as well as the pretest-posttest nonequivalent groups design were used. Participants were 51 adolescents selected via "Diagnostic criteria for internet addiction" from one junior high school in Kaohsiung city and divided into two groups: an experimental group with participating in adventure education courses (n = 25) and a control group without participating in adventure education courses (n = 26). The intervention program consists of a series of designed adventure education courses (portable adventure activities, group orienteering, high and low ropes courses, hiking and biking challenge) within 44 hours in 6 weeks. To examine the effects of the adventure education program for the intervention, we applied the scale of "internet addiction" for measurement. Data analysis was then conducted by the SPSS 18.0 statistics software package with method of One-way ANCOVA. Results: Based on the research results, it was revealed that the experimental group with participating in adventure education courses decreased on internet-addiction and its five subscales (compulsive use, withdrawal symptoms, tolerance symptoms, interpersonal problems, health-related problems) than the control group (F value between 11.41 to 55.73, p < .05). Regarding the effect size (between .19 to .54), the low to medium levels of positive change were found for the experimental group. Conclusion: The adventure education courses designed as the intervention program in the current study could decrease the scores for internet addiction for adolescents after the courses. Finally, directions and implications for future researches (research participants, research design and multiple program design) and in program implementation (safety consideration emphasis, norm contact and connection, deepening reflection and debriefing) were suggested based on the results for the potential practical and theoretical contributions.


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