  • 期刊


High-intensity Interval Training and Aerobic Capacity in Athletes


有氧能力對於運動員的運動表現而言,是一項很重要的體能要素。傳統上,長時間慢速度(long slow distance, LSD)的訓練,常被教練與運動員用以促進有氧能力,例如最大攝氧量(maximum oxygen uptake, VO2max)。不過,LSD 訓練的特徵之一:高訓練量,可能會增加過度訓練的風險。近年來,高強度間歇訓練(high-intensity interval training, HIT)被發展用以提升有氧能力,同時,伴隨著節省時間與低過度訓練風險的益處。本文透過資料庫搜索相關文獻,針對HIT對於運動員有氧能力的影響,以及HIT可能引起的生理機制進行探討。根據HIT訓練所使用的強度,HIT的介入方式可區分為兩類:以90%~130%VO2max的強度進行衝刺,以及利用30秒溫蓋特進行的全力衝刺。兩種HIT訓練課表均能引起高乳酸環境,並大量消耗肌肉內的ATP,進而改善肌肉內的代謝控制,加速粒線體的生物合成作用,最終有助於改善運動員的有氧能力與運動表現。


Aerobic capacity is an important physical element for sports performance in athletes. Traditionally, the long slow distance (LSD) training is used by coaches and athletes to improve aerobic capacity, such as the maximum oxygen uptake (VO2max). However, the high training volume, one characteristic of LSD training, might increase the risk of overtraining. The high-intensity interval training (HIT) has been recently developed to enhance aerobic capacity with the benefits of time efficient and low overtraining risk. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of HIT on aerobic capacity in athletes, and the possible physiological mechanism induced by HIT through reviewing previous studies. According to the intensity used in the HIT program, HIT intervention can be divided into two categories: sprint at 90%-130%VO2max, and 30-s Wingate-based sprint. Both HIT programs can induce high concentrations of lactate acids and consume largely adenosine triphosphate in muscle, thus enhancing muscle metabolic control, leading to accelerate mitochondrial biogenesis, and then to improve aerobic capacity and performance in athletes.


training athletes energy system interval training


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