  • 期刊


The impact of 40+ competitive table tennis connecting techniques on the tactics of high-level athletes




The purpose of this article was to explore the impact of connecting technique on the tactical ability of high-level table tennis players. This article combined years of results of a series of studies, literature review, and competition video analysis to demonstrate the concept and practical application of the connecting technique. The results showed that there was an internal extension between the two strokes before and after the connecting technique. The first stroke was to use the connecting technique, judging the oncoming ball's route of the opponent and the next stroke was mainly the tactic of attacking the opponent. Therefore, the connecting technique is also tactics, and technique is the foundation of tactics. The two are inseparable. In view of the fact that the literature on the connecting technique is still rare. The connecting technique of competitive table tennis was still based on the traditional thinking of technical and tactical division in the past. The main contribution of this article was to offer the connecting technique concept and expected to break the barrier of technical and tactical training in order to develop the power of tactical element and to make up for the limitation of "technical elements" of 40+ table tennis. Finally, it may improve the balanced development of athletes' attack and defense, and may move towards a new era of modern 40+ competitive table tennis.


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