  • 期刊


Analyzing the Impact of the Competitive Performance of Olympic Medal-Winning Table Tennis Players From the Perspective of Victory and Defeat


目的:本研究嘗試以勝敗場觀點來分析兩位勢均力敵桌球選手中在各項技戰術指標之表現,藉以找出影響勝敗關鍵。方法:蒐集近年來臺灣選手林昀儒對戰德國奧洽洛夫的四場男單賽事作為研究對象與範圍;採用「桌球技戰術智能模擬與分析系統」作為情蒐工具,並透過人工標記方式蒐集選手比賽真實數據,藉由描述統計和卡方檢定分析兩位選手在四項技戰術指標之表現。結果:一、發球/接發得分率:二位選手皆呈現在勝場發球/接發球得分率高於50%以上;敗場發球/接發球得分率低於50%以下。二、局勢分析:二位選手在勝局模式中都以「領先—領先—贏」局勢呈現最高得分率,而奧洽的贏球模式比林昀儒來得多元。三、各板得分:二位選手的得分模式相同,勝場得分高低排序為:「第三板、第二板、第四板、第一板、第五板」;敗場排序為「第三板、第二板、第四板、第五板、第一板」。四、失誤類型:二位選手在不同勝敗結果所表現的失誤類型達顯著關聯(x^2 = 28.74, p < .05)。結論:研究證實採用勝敗場觀點能有效分析出二位勢均力敵選手間之對決。誰能掌握好「接發球輪得分」、「開局領先」、「逆轉能力」、「前三板得分」和「減少非受迫性失誤」等關鍵指標,將取得致勝優勢。


Purpose: This study aims to analyze the performance of two equal table tennis (TT) players in terms of various technical and tactical indicators from the perspective of victory and defeat to determine the key factors affecting the results. Methods: We collected four men's singles matches between Yun-Ju Lin of Taiwan and Dimitrij Ovtcharov of Germany as the objective and scope of the study. "The Intellectual System in Competitive TT" was used as a tool for collecting real data from matches, and descriptive statistics and Chi-square test were obtained to analyze the performance of the two players based on four technical and tactical indicators. Results: (1) Performance in serving/ receiving: Both players showed that the service/receiving rate in winning games was above 50%; the service/receiving rate in losing games was below 50%. (2) Game situation analysis: Both players showed the highest score in the "Lead-Lead-Win" mode in the win mode, while Ovtcharov's winning mode was more diverse than Lin's. (3) Score for each shot: Both players had the same score pattern for each shot, and the winning game's score was "shot 3, shot 2, shot 4, shot 1, shot 5," the losing game's score was "shot 3, shot 2, shot 4, shot 5, shot 1." (4) Type of error: There was a significant correlation between the type of error shown by the two players in different results of victory and loss (x^2 = 28.74, p < .05). Conclusions: The study showed that using the perspective of victory/defeat was effective in analyzing matches between two players evenly matched. The player who masters key indicators such as "receiving round points," "opening lead," "reversal capability," "first three shots" and "minimizing unforced error" will have the winning edge.


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許銘華、于承煥、許英麟、蔡亞倫、吳昇光(2022)。以 3S 理論與機器學習分析頂尖混雙桌球選手接發球技戰術:林昀儒/鄭怡靜之個案研究。大專體育學刊,24(4),563-583。https://doi.org/10.5297/ser.202212_24(4).0009
