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The effect of finger movements on changing the ball trajectory of baseball: A systematic review




轉速 屈曲 伸展 指壓 握力


If baseball pitchers can understand the relationship between the fine motion control of the fingers and the ball speed and rotation speed in advance, the ball speed and rotation speed can be increased and the pitching skills can be mastered more quickly. The purpose of this research was to clarify the effect of finger knuckle control on the speed and rotation. To sort the kinematics and dynamics data of the fingers at the moment the sphere is removed from the hand by using to filter more than a thousand papers in the past 7 years through keywords and researcher review. The results showed that the wrist joint action could increase the ball speed but not the rotation speed. When throwing different ball paths, the maximum angle of the distal interphalangeal joint and mid-distal interphalangeal joint was significantly lower than that of the proximal interphalangeal joints, and the angular velocity of the distal interphalangeal joint was significantly lower than that of the proximal interphalangeal joint. It means that the distal and mid-distal phalange pressed the ball to control the rotation of the ball. In addition, from the angle of abduction to adduction about the distal phalange of the index finger, the sliding ball was significantly larger than the straight ball, and the abduction angle of the middle finger when throwing the curve ball was significantly greater than the straight ball and sliding ball. When throwing the four-seam fastball, the pressure on the middle finger was the greatest, followed by the index finger. Therefore, it was necessary to match the phalanges and interphalangeal joints of the fingers to control the movement of the fingers, and apply appropriate pressure to the ball through the index and middle fingers at the moment the ball leave the hand to increase the ball speed. It is recommended that the coaches should emphasize the control and exertion of the distal phalange of the index finger and middle finger when guiding the players. In addition, the sports technology industry can provide ball or finger pressure sensing technology. Researchers can also use this to understand the pressure control and coordination status of each finger at different times, such as discussing the amount of time, time sequence and impulse of each knuckle pressure when holding the ball. These could be as a guide for the progress of the subtle movements in throwing ball.


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