  • 期刊


Effects of attentional focus strategies on increasing jumping height of rebounding: A systematic review




Purpose: By integrating the literature on the role of attentional focus in jumping height, this study clarifies the concept of grabbing rebounds from theoretical and practical perspectives and serves as a reference for coaches and researchers. Method: A systematic review of 13 empirical studies on attentional focus on jump height was conducted to integrate and discuss the experimental framework, methodology, and oral instruction content. Results: This work showed that adolescents and adults of both sexes, ranging from inexperienced to semi-professional, used external attentional strategies focusing on a ball, a target, or a ceiling or compound strategies with augmented feedback while jumping. The pieces of training mentioned above would produce less low limb muscle activation to increase peak power output, peak velocity, lower limb stiffness, mean centripetal velocity, and centripetal pulse. These advantages would be associated with increased jump height and knee flexion angle during landings and reduced vertical forces to increase cushioning. Moreover, the performance under the guidance of the above strategies was retained over a week. Conclusion: Put too much focus on body movements during rebound jumps may limit players' muscle coordination and automatic body control, thus reducing the jump height. Therefore, instructors can combine external focus with augmented feedback to help basketball players automatically regulate their motor movement, which can increase jump height.


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