  • 期刊


Perspectives on Workplace Rehabilitation Program: A Review of the Literature


基於“職災勞工回到原雇主的就業機會大於尋找新雇主”的理念,為了讓職災勞工能夠安全及快速的重返工作,國際勞工組織及許多國家會要求在雇主與勞工通力合作及認同下,制訂「職場復健計畫」讓整個職災勞工重建過程能夠順利、迅速及安全。為了與國際接軌及保障職災勞工就業與經濟上的安全,實有必要制訂適合國內之職場復健計畫,因此本計畫乃以文獻回顧的方式進行,收集職場復健計畫之內容與成效,然後,針對所收集的資料進行比較、分析與歸納,做出適合我國職場復健計畫制度之建議。 研究目的包括:(1)描述職場復健計畫的內容;(2)回顧職場復健計畫之成效;(3)提出我國事業單位建立職場復健計畫之建議。 實證研究結果支持職場復健計畫有助於勞工在職場傷病發生後的早期及安全的重返工作,降低工時的損失,增進生產力,保障就業權益及家庭的經濟安全。職場復健計畫之重點為:(1)強調雇主的責任;(2)強調勞工責任;(3)強制傷病通報;(4)重返工作方案強調早期介入、及早復工、個案管理。國內事業單位如欲制定職場復健計畫,應採取的步驟:(1)建立職場復健政策:公佈公司信念、需求調查與資料分析、建立職場復健計畫籌劃小組及重返工作團隊、工作分析與替代職務調查、訂定職場復健程序;(2)計畫公佈與勞工教育;(3)傷害通報與醫療處置;(4)重返工作方案之執行;(5)職場復健計畫之成效評估。


Based on the philosophy that ”the chance of return to work for the original employer is better than for a different employer” and to ensure that workers return to work safely and as soon as possible following a workplace injury or illness, governments have required a workplace rehabilitation program to be set up in every workplace. The purposes of this article are to: (1) describe the essential components of workplace rehabilitation programs; (2) review the literature on the effectiveness of the workplace rehabilitation programs; and (3) provide recommendations for workplace rehabilitation programs in Taiwan. The literature suggests that workplace rehabilitation programs facilitate a timely and safe return to work, reduce the number of loss working day, and increase work ability. The major issues of the workplace rehabilitation program include: (1) employer's responsibilities; (2) employee's responsibilities; (3) prompt injury reporting; and (4) a return-to-work plan focused on early intervention, early return to work, and case/claim management. Our results suggest that the steps to develop a workplace rehabilitation program include (1) policy development: declaration of the company's commitment, requirement of a needs analysis, establishment of a workplace rehabilitation coordinator and team, job analysis and alternative/modified jobs, and development of workplace rehabilitation procedures; (2) policy promotion and education; (3) prompt injury reporting and immediate medical intervention; (4) implementing the return to work plan; and (5) cost effectiveness and outcome measurement of the workplace rehabilitation program.


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