  • 期刊


"Chongqing Parade Ground Incident" in 1946: An Observation of the Relationship among the Guomindang, the Chinese Communist Party(CCP), and the Third Force in the Early Years after the World War II


抗戰勝利後的國共關係,一方面受到美、蘇介入影響,另一方面則涉及以民主黨派為主的第三勢力。根據「重慶會談」的決議,國、共與第三勢力三方代表,於1946年1月集會召開政治協商會議,討論政府組織問題、施政綱領問題、軍事問題、國民大會問題與憲法草案問 題等五項議題。1946年2月10日在重慶較場口舉行「慶祝政協成功大會」,會議中途突有身份不明暴徒闖入,阻擾大會進行,並毆打李公樸等人,此即所謂「較場口事件」。此一事件與戰後許多群眾運動相較,在規模上相對較小,也為以往的研究者所忽略。但透過本文的分析,可以得知國民黨方面為暴動的幕後指使者。從戰術層面上來說,國民黨在事件中佔了上風,讓中共陣營吃了悶虧;但從戰略層面上來說,卻是授人以柄,讓中共方面得以藉故宣傳政府維持治安不力,更嚴重的是破壞了國民黨與第三勢力間原本脆弱的互信基礎。而事件的發展模式,也成為日後許多政治運動的基礎模式之一,由此可知其重要性。


The relationship between the Guomindang and the CCP after world war two was influenced by U.S., Soviet Union, and the third force. According to "the Negotiation of Chongqing" in 1945, the representatives of Guomindang, CCP, and the third force agreed to hold the Political Consultative Conference(PCC) in January 1946 to discuss the organization of government, the administrative program, the military problem, the National People Congress, and the draft of constitution. On February 10, 1946, ruffians intruded the celebration parade of the PCC and hit Li Gong-Pu and others, the event was the "Chongqing Parade Ground Incident." The "Chongqing Parade Ground Incident" was relatively a small movement on the scale and neglected by researchers. This article argues that this incident was manipulated by Guomindang. Although the Guomindang got the upper hand in the incident, the CCP propagandized the government was unable to keep the peace and attempted to destroy the mutual trust foundation between the Guomindang and the third force. The "Chongqing Parade Ground Incident" was important since it had become one of the major models of later political movements after the world war two.


顧維鈞,《顧維鈞回憶錄(六)》(北京:中華書局,1988 年),頁384。
蔣中正,《蘇俄在中國》(台北:黎明文化事業公司,1989 年),頁157、234。
〈民主的恥辱〉,《民主報》(重慶),1946 年2 月11 日,版次不詳。社評
美國胡佛檔案館藏,〈蔣介石日記〉,1945 年2 月16 日、7 月14 日
〈九三學社籌備會負責人對較場口慘案向新聞記者發表談話〉,《新華日報》(重慶),1946 年2 月14 日,第3 版
