





The pedicled groin flap is one of the most useful flaps in hand reconstruction. It provides a large amount of skin coverage with an easily concealed donor site. However flap bulkiness limits the design and insetting into complex 3-dimensional shapes. Aesthetics is thus less satisfactory and defatting procedures are often needed. To overcome these major drawbacks, a thinned pedicled groin flap was developed. We recorded our technique and experience with nine flaps performed from September 2000 to December 2000. These groin flaps were elevated and then thinned to the level of subdermal plexus. This resulted in a 5 mm thick flap distal to the anterior superior iliac spine. Each flap effectively covered the hand defects with no secondary defatting procedures required. Evaluation of flap perfusion was done using a Laser Doppler to record perfusion unit values from the proximal and distal region of the flap. All cases with complete viability had PU values of>8 at the time of division. There were two complications which consisted of one total flap loss prior to division, one partial flap loss after division. The single case of partial necrosis had a proximal PU value of 5 at division time. Our technique of thinning to the subdermal plexus, lateral to the anterior superior iliac spine, and maintenance of proximal perfusion unit values >8 at division, make the thinned groin flap an effective technique for soft tissue hand reconstruction.
