  • 期刊


Pressure Pain Threshold, Pressure Pain Tolerance, and Compliance at Different Sites on the Biceps Brachii Muscles Prior to and Following Eccentric Exercise


遲發性肌肉酸痛(delayed onset muscle soreness)常發生於激烈又不熟練的運動之後,其症狀於運動後第二、三天最嚴重,通常在運動後第五到七天緩解。發生機轉一般認為與肌肉離心收縮(eccentric contraction)有關,但肌肉不同部位受影響的程度尚未完全釐清,本實驗的目的在於探討肌肉離心收縮所造成的遲發性肌肉酸痛在肌肉不同部位的影響程度。 本研究針對25名正常年輕人,19名男性,6名女性,平均年齡為24.7±2.8歲,利用高阻力離心收縮使其肱二頭肌疲乏,再於肱二頭肌不同部位,包括近端肌腱-肌肉交接處、肌肉運動點、遠端肌腱-肌肉交接處及遠端肌腱-骨頭交接處,評估其視覺類比分數(visual analogue scale)、壓痛閾值(pressure painthreshold)、壓痛耐受度(pressure pain tolerance)及組織順應性(tissue compliance)之變化。評估的時間是在運動前、運動後立刻施測、運動後第二天、第三天、第四天及第五天以探討不同時間、測量位置及兩者間交互作用對上述四項評估參數的影響。 實驗結果顯示:受試者在運動後第二天視覺類比分數最高,壓痛閾值及壓痛耐受度最低,之後受試者的疼痛會逐漸下降,壓痛閾值及壓痛耐受度會逐漸上升,不同時間點各組間均具有顯著差異。組織順應性則於運動後第二天明顯較高,其餘時間點間則沒有顯著差異。不同評估部位間的比較則發現除了遠端肌腱-骨頭交接處及近端肌腱-肌肉交接處兩組間於組織順應性具統計上的差異,其餘各組間無顯著差異。我們認為遲發性肌肉酸痛於肌肉不同部位,包括肌肉-肌腱-骨頭交接處均具有相近似之表現。


Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) refers to skeletal muscle pain that follows strenuous and unaccustomed physical activity. The intensity of discomfort peaks at 24 to 48 hours, and subsides within 5 to 7 days post-exercise. It appears that DOMS occurs most frequently following unaccustomed eccentric exercise. However, it is not clear whether sensitivity to pain is uniform over the surface of the muscle, or whether some locations become more sensitive following eccentric exercise. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of DOMS at various sites of muscle following a bout of eccentric exercise. A total of 25 subjects (mean age: 24.7 ± 2.8 years) were recruited for this study. Muscle fatigue and DOMS were induced in the dominant biceps brachii by resisted eccentric muscle contractions. The visual analog pain scale results, pressure pain threshold, pressure pain tolerance and tissue compliance were evaluated at different sites on the biceps brachii, including the proximal tendon-muscle junction, motor point, distal tendon-muscle junction, and distal tendon-bone junction. All the parameters were recorded prior to exercise, immediately after, and 2, 3, 4, and 5 days after exercise. Two-way ANOVA with repeated measurements was used to analyze any significant difference between time and locations groups. It was found that peak VAS and the lowest pressure pain threshold and pressure pain tolerance appeared 2 days post-exercise. Significant differences in VAS, pressure pain threshold and pressure pain tolerance were found between time groups, but not between location groups. Tissue compliance was highest 2 days after exercise. The results indicate that DOMS has a similar effect on several areas of the muscle, such as at muscle-tendon-bone junctions.
