  • 期刊


Pet Attachment and Park Management: The Relationship between Pet Dog Attachment and Acceptance of Regulations




依附理論 寵物狗 公園管理


The aim of this study is to test the relationship between dog owners' attachment and their acceptance toward dog management regulations. Data were collected from the visitors who have or had ever had a pet dog in Neidong Forest Recreation Area. The questionnaire contained three parts: pet dog attachment, acceptance toward regulations, basic information of respondents. The results indicate that pet dog attachment contained four factors: closeness and dogs as family; positives feelings; absence of pet dog attachment; companionship and care. The results indicate that dog owners with high pet dog attachment has less support for pet dog management regulations, but more support for entering a park without any restriction. The study can help park managers with pet dog management strategies, and prevent the potential opposition from dog owners.


attachment theory pet dog park management


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