  • 期刊


Apply Knowledge Management to School Building Construction: A Case Study in Hua-Lian County



本研究兼顧理論探討與實務應用,主要目的爲透過知識管理的概念及資訊科技的應用,建置花蓮縣國民中小學總務處營繕工程網站,實際解決執行營繕工程業務的困難,並探討以知識管理概念建置網站的步驟,及總務主任對網站的接受度,作爲實際運作及日後研究之參考,期使學校行政邁向智慧型管理的新境界。本研究因研究問題之需要,依據文獻探討結果,配合知識管理過程,分別應用「文獻探討」、「焦點團體」、「問卷調查」與「訪談」四種方法。 研究結果爲:一、營繕工程是總務處最困難的業務;二、總務主任的知識是知識管理最重要的關鍵;三、學校總務主任對網站有高的接受度;四、網站設計強調簡單,以實用爲取向;五、網站資料的正確與豐富,有助於提昇處理速度;六、學校總務人員能接受行政網路化趨勢;七、專業網站需要業務承辦單位的支持。基於研究結果,提出下列建議:一、根據知識管理理念,調整營繕工程業務的處理方式;二、以營繕工程網站爲架構,發展學校其他處室之網站;三、知識管理應用於學校行政,以提高行政效率;四、網站指派專人負責資料的更新與維護;五、以知識分享爲原則,開放知識交流管道;六、未來研究可擴大樣本範圍;七、後續研究可基於行爲學派觀點,針對相關議題進行探討;八、後續研究可增加其他統計分析,以瞭解因素與因素之間的交互作用;九、後續研究可以採用個案研究的方式,進行觀察、訪談,進一步探討不同學校實施知識管理的差異性。


The purpose of this study is to apply knowledge management to school building construction in Hua-Lian. First, this study collected the knowledge based on the discussion of twice focus-group. Second, the knowledge of school building construction was stored and shared by a web site which was designed by the authors. Third, by using questionnaire, the receptivity of the web site was measured. Finally, four directors were interviewed to know if there are any directions the web site can be improved. The finding of this study are: 1.The school building construction is the most difficult task in the schools. 2.The directors' knowledge is the core knowledge to management. 3.The web site was acceptable for the directors.4.The speed of data transition was the first priority to design a web site. 5.The web site's contents must be correct and updated. 6.If the board of education maintain and support this web site, the data will be validity and reliability.
