  • 期刊


The Meaning of Principal's Leadership: Elementary School Principals' Perspectives



本研究旨在探討國民小學校長如何詮釋校長領導的意義,研究者以立意取樣方式選取28位國民小學校長作為研究對象,採用訪談法蒐集研究資料,探討各受訪校長如何描述「校長領導之意義」、「校長影響教師作為之方式」及「校長應具備之知能條件」。研究資料經分析後,獲得下列結論: 一、校長領導是指校長依據其個人的教育理念及其對學校情境因素的詮釋,以個人的人格特質及具體的行動,影響教師的作為,使教師朝向目標努力。校長領導在本質上是校長影響教師作為的歷程,以實現領導目標、統合成員心力、支持教師的作為及影響教師的內心世界。 二、領導者所欲達成的領導目標包括:實現領導者個人的教育理想、支持教師實現教師的教育理想及執行教育政策。領導者各有其不同的領導目標,然此種差異並非截然劃分,只是對各種領導目標的強調程度不同而已。 三、校長領導的構成內涵包括校長個人的特質因素及行為因素,前者如堅定奉獻教育的信念、充沛的工作活力、良好的品德、教育專業知能、自我成長能力及法令知識;後者如溝通協調能力、行政歷程知能、學校公關能力及危機處理能力。 四、校長影響教師作為的方式,依其作用的性質可區分為短程影響及長程影響,由短程作用至長程作用的排列順序大致為運用行政權威、建立制度及工作規畫、引入外力、給予肯定與支持、表達關懷、理念溝通、贏得教師信服、營造團體氣氛、發展教師能力。短程影響作用的效果要以長程影響作用的效果做基礎。 五、校長個人的領導理念及學校情境因素會影響校長的領導作為。


校長 校長領導


This study explores how elementary school principals interpret the meaning of principal's leadership. Purposively selected samples of 28 elementary school principals were invited to participate in this study. The researcher conducted interviews with each of the selected principals to collect the needed research data. Each of the interviewees was asked to respond to three questions: What is the meaning of principal's leadership? How does a school principal's leadership influence teachers' performance? And what is the needed expertise knowledge and competency for principal's leadership? Based on the results of data analysis, research conclusions are reported as follow: 1. Principal's leadership can be defined as the process in which principals, based on their own educational aspiration and interpretation of school context, influences teachers' behavior through the principals' personal traits and action. It is in nature a process of influencing teachers' performance. Principal's leadership is intended to accomplish leadership goals, coordinate teachers' efforts, support teachers' performance and influence teachers' internal worlds. 2. Goals for principals' leadership can be categorized as achieving principal's goals, providing teachers support for achieving teachers' personal educational goals, and implementing educational policies. Leadership goals are different among principals, but the differences are not clearly-cut. Principals differ in their emphases on different goals. 3. Principal's leadership is composed of personal traits and behavior. Personal trait domains include strong commitment to education, being vigorous, moral character, educational professional knowledge, self-promotion ability, and law knowledge. The behavioral domains include communication and coordination ability, administrative process competency, school public relation competency and campus management competency.


