  • 期刊


A Research on the Artistic Manner of Foreign Spouse's Children


根據內政部93年資料顯示,目前在台灣每8名新生兒中,就有1名是我們俗稱的「外籍配偶子女」,且該比例還有逐年上升的趨勢,對於這群新興的族群,勢必衍生出許多社會相關問題,學校教育首當其衝,身為教育工作者必須先對該社會現象有一體認,才能使教學工作適得其所,符應社會的實際需要。 研究者以任教的學校為研究對象,試圖探討校內外籍配偶子女與非外籍配偶子女在藝術學習各層面的態度是否有差異,經由變異數分析結果顯示,兩者之間並未有顯著性差異存在,表示外籍配偶子女在藝術態度上,與非外籍配偶子女,即父母親皆為本國籍之學生是相差不大的,所以,以此研究經驗,建議從事實際教學工作的老師們,應該以平常心來看待這群台灣新興的族群,不需要將其特別「標籤化」對待。


According to the Ministry of Interior 93 years demonstration, every 8 newborns, has 1 is we is named ”foreign spouse's children” in Taiwan, and this proportion also is increasing every year. This new race group possibly can cause many new social questions, moreover the school education can face to these questions. Therefore the educator must first realize these social phenomena, this can cause the teaching work to conform to society's actual need. The research object is the school student which the researcher holds the post of the teaching, and researcher attempts to discuss the foreign spouse's children and the non-foreign spouse's children whether have differences in the artistic manner. Demonstrated by way of the analysis result, two between certainly not obvious differences existences. It expressed that the foreign spouse's children is similar to the non-foreign spouse's children in the artistic manner. Therefore, by the findings suggested to the educator that does not need to ”label” this crowd of Taiwan emerging race group.
