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Effects of Nodules and Mycorrhiza on the N-fixation of Casuarina equisetifolia with Different Nutrient Treatments



本研究之目的在於測定木賊葉木麻黃幼苗接種放射固氮菌與叢枝菌根菌,於3種不同營養液(1/2 Hoagland's、缺N之1/2 Hoagland's、缺Mo-Fe之1/2 Hoagland's)處理下,對苗木生長及固氮活性之表現。結果顯示,不同營養液處理下,以施用1/2 Hoagland's營養液處理之苗木在苗高、地徑以及小枝、莖、根部乾重表現最佳;根瘤乾重與固氮活性則以缺N之1/2 Hoagland's營養液之苗木較佳;缺Mo-Fe之1/2 Hoagland's營養液處理的苗木生長量與固氮活性則最差。不同接種處理中,以同時接種放射固氮菌與叢枝菌根菌,對根瘤形成與固氮活性表現最佳,證實放射固氮菌與菌根菌同時接種,能促進木賊葉木麻黃根瘤的形成與固氮活性。木賊葉木麻黃幼苗全株固氮活性在1日內之變化,各處理間皆呈顯著差異,固氮活性從早上8時開始逐漸增加,在14~15時達到最高值,各處理中以同時接種放射固氮菌與叢枝菌根菌處理者表現最佳,其中又以施澆缺N之1/2 Hoagland's營養液之苗木固氮活性最佳(9.12~11.24μmol C2H4 h^(-1) plant^(-1)),其次為施用1/2 Hoagland's營養液處理之苗木(7.47~9.22μmol C2H4 hr^(-1) plant^(-1)),對照組之苗木最差(0.66~3.36μmol C2H4 hr^(-1) plant^(-1))。


The purposes of this study were to monitor the N-fixation activity of Casuarina equisetifolia inoculated with Frankia as well as arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) and to which 1/2 Hoagland's solution, 1/2 Hoagland's solution deficient in N, and 1/2 Hoagland's solution deficient in Mo-Fe treatments were applied, in order to observe the growth performance of the seedlings. The results showed that the height, root collar, and dry weight of C. equisetifolia treated with 1/2 Hoagland's solution were better than those with the other treatments. Seedling nodulation and N-fixation activity with treatment with 1/2 Hoagland's solution deficient in N were the best, while the growth and N-fixation activity with treatment with 1/2 Hoagland's solution deficient in Mo-Fe were the least. Seedlings inoculated with Frankia and AMF had the best performance for nodulation and N-fixation activity. Diurnal variations in N-fixation activity were monitored, and results showed distinct differences among treatments. The N-fixation activity rose gradually from 08:00, and reached a maximum at 14:00~15:00. Seedlings treated with Frankia and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and to which 1/2 Hoagland's solution deficient in N was applied had the highest N-fixation activity (9.12~11.24μmol C2H4 h^(-1) plant^(-1)), and to which 1/2 Hoagland's solution was applied had the next highest N-fixation activity (7.47~9.22μmol C2H4 h^(-1) plant^(-1)). The control had the lowest N-fixation activity (0.66~3.36μmol C2H4 h^(-1) plant^(-1)).
