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Population Distribution of Aristolochia zollingeriana, an Endangered Vine Exploited by Three Papilionid Butterflies in Kenting National Park, Taiwan




港口馬兜鈴(Aristolochia zollingeriana Miq.)為台灣野外瀕臨絕滅的藤本植物,也是珍貴稀有保育類昆蟲黃裳鳳蝶(Troides aeacus formosanus Rothschild)的主要食草。墾丁地區是此植物主要的分布地,然其族群生態狀況至今尚少被研究。本研究自2004年2月起連續3年,調查墾丁地區野生港口馬兜鈴族群的豐量與分布,以及其生育地環境特性,並記錄植株被鳳蝶利用的情形。調查期間共發現122株野生港口馬兜鈴成株,這些植株或散生或呈小群聚生長於以隆起珊瑚礁地形為主的環境,族群結構以地莖直徑1~2 cm者居多(65%),所攀附之林木平均高度4.1±1.8 m。將港口馬兜鈴生育的環境分為林冠鬱閉和林冠破空兩類,發現前者有較多的植株(62%),地莖直徑大於1 cm者多生於林冠鬱閉生育地,小於1 cm者則相反。生長在林冠破空生育地的港口馬兜鈴植株較易遭受自然或人為傷害。此外,林冠鬱閉生育地發生港口馬兜鈴小苗的樣區數也顯著高於林冠破空生育地。調查期間有96%的港口馬兜鈴植株被鳳蝶類產卵及啃食利用,其中黃裳鳳蝶、紅紋鳳蝶(Pachliopta aristolochiae interpositus Fruhstorfer)及大紅紋鳳蝶(Byasa polyeuctes termessus Fruhstorfer)對本植物的利用率分別為71、79及5%。黃裳鳳蝶偏好利用林冠鬱閉生育地的港口馬兜鈴,而紅紋鳳蝶卻偏好利用林冠破空生育地的植株。因此若要建立完善的港口馬兜鈴及黃裳鳳蝶保育策略,應選擇在林冠鬱閉的生育地繁衍並維護此兩物種族群,而非在林冠破空處。


Aristolochia zollingeriana Miq. serves as a major host plant of Troides aeacus formosanus (Rothschild), which is listed as a protected insect in Taiwan. Kenting National Park is the major habitat of A. zollingeriana, but its population ecology is not adequately known. In this study, we investigated the abundance and distribution of A. zollingeriana as well as its habitat conditions in the Kenting area from February 2004 to March 2007. The relationships between this vine and its exploitation by papilionid butterflies were also investigated. In total, 122 individual vines were discovered at the study sites, most of which were found scattered or in clusters on uplifted coral reef terrain. Most (65%) of the stem bases of the vines were 1~2 cm in diameter. The average height of trees onto which A. zollingeriana affixed itself for upward climbing was 4.1±1.8 m. The habitats where the vines were found were either under closed or open canopies. Most of the vines were found in closed-canopy habitats (62%), particularly those with a diameter of the stem base of > 1 cm. On the contrary, the majority of vines with a diameter of the stem base of < 1 cm were found in open- canopy habitats. Vines growing in open-canopy habitats were found to be more susceptible to damage inflicted by nature or humans. In addition, the number of sites where seedlings occurred in closed-canopy habitats was significantly higher than that in open-canopy habitats. About 96% of the plants were found to be exploited for oviposition or feeding by 3 papilionid butterflies during the study period. The rates of exploitation by T. aeacus formosanus, Pachliopta aristolochiae interpositus Fruhstorfer, and Byasa polyeuctes termessus Fruhstorfer were 71, 79, and 5%, respectively. Troides aeacus formosanus showed a preference for closed-canopy habitats, compared to P. aristolochiae interpositus, which preferred open-canopy habitats. Thus, in developing a better conservation strategy for A. zollingeriana and T. aeacus formosanus, consideration should be placed on propagating or maintaining both populations under closed- rather than open-canopy habitats.


Jen, H. K. (2011). 墾丁地區港口馬兜鈴族群分布及黃裳鳳蝶產卵偏好 [doctoral dissertation, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6346/NPUST.2011.00003
