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An Analysis of the Timber Harvest Volume and Production in Taiwan between 1991 and 2013


台灣林業政策自1991年後轉型以森林資源保育為主軸,近年來國內木材伐採量遠不及限制伐木量的上限,為探究國內森林經營是否受到保育政策影響造成伐採量降低的趨勢,本文利用1991~2013年間林務局出版之「林業統計」所登載之木材伐採量和生產量之資料,探討歷年來不同持有權屬森林之木材伐採量與生產量之變化趨勢,並分析不同持有權屬的經營強度與經營效率。研究結果發現國有林非民營者所轄的林地生產量逐年降低,此一趨勢與以保育為主的林業政策相符;反觀國有林民營者與私有林等,其伐採面積的經營強度已經超越國有林非民營的部分。單位面積的伐採量,國有林民營也超越國有林非民營的部分。在生產樹種方面,分析結果顯示:國有林民營與國有林非民營較為相同,以針葉樹為主,私有林則以闊葉樹為主。建議未來應加強對國有林民營與私有林之經營輔導,進行國內木材生產策略之規劃。研究同時模擬欲提高1%的木材自給率所需之伐採面積,國有林民營的伐採面積為149.3~161.1 ha,國有林非民營的伐採面積為269.8~341.2 ha,私有林的伐採面積為88~120.8 ha。


伐採量 生產量 木材生產


Since 1991, the central theme of Taiwan's forestry policy reforms has been the conservation of forest resources. In recent years, the domestic harvest volume has remained far below the timber harvest limit. This research examined whether the trend in the decreasing volume of timber harvested is a result of the forestry conservation policy in national forest management. Using data of the recorded harvest volume and production volume in Forestry Statistics published by Taiwan Forestry Bureau (TFB) during 1991 and 2013, this study explored changing patterns of harvest volume and production volume of various forest ownerships over the years and analyzed the effectiveness and efficiencies of different forest owner types. The research findings indicated that the timber production volume has been in decline within state-run national forests, which is in accordance with the conservation-based forestry policy. In contrast, in national forests run by private foresters and in private forests, the effectiveness of management is better as evidenced by their greater harvested volumes. In terms of the harvested volume per unit of forest area, national forests run by private foresters also performed better than state-run national forests. With regard to tree species for timber, results showed that coniferous trees are dominant in both national forests run by private foresters and state-run national forests, while deciduous trees are mainly found in private forests. Therefore, it is suggested that the government should assist both owner types of national forest holdings run by private foresters and private forests for forest management in planning and strategizing domestic timber production. The study also simulated the required harvest area to increase to a 1% wood self-sufficiency rate. The required harvest area of national forests run by private foresters is projected to be 149.3~161.1 ha, state-run national forests is projected to be 269.8~341.2 ha, and private forests is projected to be 88~120.8 ha.


