  • 期刊


Reliability and Validity of the "Adaptive Behavior Performance Checklist"


本研究目的在探討新近編製完成之適應行為表現檢核表的信效度、不同年齡與不同組別學生在社會適應表現之差異分析。該檢核表係以特教法施行細則對智能障礙鑑定標準中有關適應行為的規範為依據,含自我照顧、動作、溝通、社會情緒、學科學習等五個領域共120個題項,可作為國小至高中職入學之智能障礙學生鑑定與安置之參考。 本研究樣本包含全台灣北、中、南、東四區之學生,選取年齡範圍為五歲至十五歲共1736名,其中標準樣本1150名、智能障礙類樣本586名。信度考驗部分以Cronbach α信度及重測信度加以考驗;效度考驗主要以建構效度為主,進行內部一致性、因素分析。此外並採用變異數分析與Scheffe'事後考驗比較不同年齡組,有無適應行為缺損之一般學生與智能障礙樣本之得分表現。主要發現為:(1)本檢核表在全量表與各領域上,無論在Cronbach α信度與重測信度考驗上均具有高度之相關;(2)本檢核表內部一致結果顯示,各領域問相關均達到01顯著水準;(3)本適應行為表現檢核表之建構包含AAMR(2002)界定適應行為之概念、社會與實用技巧三個主要因素,然仍以概念因素所需用及之認知能力為主要建構因素,且發現部分適應行為表現需用及二項或三項技巧,顯示個人獨立可能是適應行為之一般且統整的單一因素;(4)不同年齡組問適應行為發展有差異,顯示適應行為確實與自然生長關係密切,隨年齡增加適應行為表現有提昇之趨勢,但不同性別問適應行為表現並無差異;(5)不同年齡和障礙程度之智能障礙學生在社會適應表現上有差異,由智能障礙組樣本各年齡組得分分析,顯示適應行為表現在國小高年級及進入國中之階段差異最大,且在國小中低年齡組與國中之高年齡組出現進步趨緩之現象;(6)本檢核表五大領域與次領域之題項能有效鑑別智障與非智障學生;(7)各領域中無顯著困難之一般學生表現均顯著優於有顯著困難者及智障學生;(8)自我照顧、溝通與學科學習領域有顯著困難之一般學生除在三領域之總表現上均優於智障組外,在如廁與儀容衛生二項次領域,以及閱讀、數學、生活常識三項學科學習次領域的表現亦優於智能障礙組。


The main purpose of this study was to explore the reliability and validity of the newly edited Adaptive Behavior Performance Checklist, which includes 120 items for identifying students with intellectual disabilities in the areas of self-care, mobility, communication, social-emotion, and functional academics. In addition to determining this scale's reliability and validity, we were seeking to understand the degree to which adaptive behavior performances are a function of age, and the differences between normal subjects and students with intellectual disabilities with regard to the performance of adaptive behaviors. In total, 1736 students from age 5 to 15 participated in this study. Among these, 1150 were normal subjects and 586 were students with intellectual disabilities. The data were analyzed using Cronbach α, test-retest reliability, factor analysis, one-way analysis of variance, and Scheffe' post-hoc comparisons. The main findings were: (1) Cronbach α and test-retest comparison showed very high correlation coefficiencies among five domains and whole scale; (2) the inter-scale correlations showed high consistency among five domains and sub-domains; (3) conceptual, social, and practical skills, as defined by AAMR's (2002) categorization of adaptive skill areas, seemed to be the main factors in determining adaptive behavior performances, but personal independence could be the single and general factor in determining adaptive skills; (4) adaptive behavior performances varied according to age group, with the older students performing better, although this was not stabilized until the age of 12; (5) adaptive behavior performances of students with intellectual disabilities varied with both age and deficit level; (6) the five domains and sub-domains could effectively determine whether students had intellectual disabilities; (7) the performances of normal subjects without adaptive behavior limitations in any one of the five domains achieved significantly higher scores than those of both normal subjects with adaptive behavior limitations and subjects with intellectual disabilities; (8) the performances of normal subjects with limitations in self-care, communication, and functional academics scored higher than those of students with intellectual disabilities. Finally, this study makes some suggestions for future research.


盧台華(1993).Adaptive Behavior of the mentally retarded in Taiwan, ROC.特殊教育研究學刊.9,107-144.


