  • 期刊


Individualized Family Service Plan Based on Family Strengths: The Process and Outcome of a Task Group




Purpose: The researcher led a task group of 10 social workers from a social welfare agency for one year to learn Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP) skills based on family strengths. Participants were trained to assess family strengths, and to design and implement IFSP based on family strengths in order to practice family-centered early intervention services through social welfare agencies. Methods: Data include the transcripts of the groups and feedback from the participants. Qualitative research methods were employed to conduct data analysis. Findings: The researcher presented the research findings from the perspectives of process and outcome. Examples were presented in this paper to show the IFSP designed by the participants. From the view of the process, the finding showed that the purposes of this study were achieved: 1. Participants had a clearer understanding of the theoretical basis of family strengths and IFSP; 2. Through simulation and actual cases, the participants learned how to assess the strengths of the family as well as how to design and implement an IFSP; 3. Participants learned new ways of reviewing and reflecting their work methods. From the view of the outcomes, the finding also showed that the purposes of this study were achieved: 1. Participants had the ability to assess the strengths of the family and learned skills for designing and implementing an IFSP based on family strengths to meet the individual needs of study participants; 2. Having acquired and enhanced their ability, participants not only practiced family-centered early intervention services, they also assisted their social welfare agencies to modify the forms of the IFSP by adding a column for assessing family strengths. Thus, the early intervention services were improved, which met the needs of the organization. Conclusions/Implications: Based on the findings, the following research implications were suggested: 1. An IFSP should focus on family strengths to practice early intervention services; 2. The relationship between IFSP and family intervention and integrated service units should be clarified; 3. Regular continuous supervision is an important strategy for social workers to design and implement IFSP based on family strengths; 4. Follow-up study is needed to clarify the relationship of IFSP based on family strengths and family empowerment.


宋麗玉、施教裕(2009)。優勢觀點:社會工作理論與實務。臺北=Taipei, Taiwan:洪葉=Hung-yeh Publishing。
沈美君(2009)。台灣與美國身心障礙兒童早期療育政策之比較研究。國立暨南大學比較教育學系=National Chi Nan University。


