  • 期刊


Equal Participation or Special Treatment?- A Sociological Analysis of Disabled Students' Admissions to College in Taiwan




Equality is a core value in a democratic society. Promoting equality for people with disabilities is an inevitable challenge in contemporary society. Since the 1980s, disability right organizations in Taiwan have been advocating for nondiscrimination and rights for higher education. Models of educational rights for disabled students have gradually shifted from discrimination, charity, and formal equality to equal opportunities and substantive equality. Purpose: Due to the rapid expansion of higher education in the past two decades, college entrance channels have expanded and the number of disabled students has increased considerably. This article presents an analysis of the development of diverse college entrance channels for disabled students in Taiwan, the intrinsic limitations of these channels, and the related models of equality. In particular, Taiwan has a special college entrance examination for disabled students; for this examination, each department in a college has special quotas for students with selected types of disabilities. In the past, some colleges have discriminated between disabled students and other students and disallowed disabled students from applying for admission; moreover, appropriate disability-related adjustments were not available in general college examination. Therefore, this special examination system has opened up opportunities for disabled students to enter college. Method: This paper uses historical comparative method and collects historical documents including legislative records, newspaper archives, and newsletters from disability rights social movement organizations. Results/ Findings:In this paper, we present that the special college entrance examination is a result of the disability rights social movement mobilization against disability-based discrimination. However, we argue that a high number of disabled students in a college does not necessarily promise substantive equality for students with disabilities. The special college entrance examination is a segregated system that limits disabled students’ choices and also allows departments in colleges to select students on the basis of the type of disability and not their capabilities. The support extended to disabled students is insufficient, and disabled students are still facing substantial obstacles in the current system. We argue that to achieve substantive equality and inclusive equality, the education policy for disabled students should reevaluate the special entrance examination system and focus on the quality of education and inclusive college environment for students with disabilities. Because the government of Taiwan has domesticized the Convention on Rights for Persons with Disabilities, the reform of the current college education system should apply the human rights model and should not exclude students on the basis of their disabilities. In higher education, an accessible environment and teaching should be implemented, and individualized reasonable accommodation should be provided for students with disabilities in colleges. Conclusions/Implications: Finally, we argue that to ensure that the education policy supports the right to education for disabled students, the outcome of the special quota in the special entrance examination system should be evaluated and the equality of result and inclusive equality in colleges should be analyzed.


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