  • 期刊


Narrative Analysis of Social Inclusion and Living Experiences of a Student with Multiple Disabilities at University




Taking a real story of a female student with vision, hearing and speech disabilities as an example, this article aims to explore the role of a university's learning environment for students with multiple disabilities in the path from school to social inclusion after entering a community. The author interviewed research participant L. about her studying and living experiences at university. In addition, this paper also conducted interviews with L's family and friends, including her parents, elementary and high school teachers, coaches at high school, her university department head, university resource classroom leaders, classmates and many others about their observations regarding L's development during her university life. Moreover, as the teacher of the participant, the author also depicted L's journey and reflects on L's development at university. This paper presents the whole process of L's studying and learning experiences in living independently at school, as well as analyzes the issues related to disabled students' counseling and related services in the current university system. In conclusion, for the university accessible education environment in the future, this study's results indicate that firstly, universities need to address the rights of students with disability, to acknowledge the importance of resource classrooms, and to facilitate collaboration with administrative staff. Secondly, the learning environment in a university has become crucial to social integration and independent living of the students with disabilities. Thirdly, higher education systems need to reflect on the purpose of university education and create a diverse learning environment to benefit all students.


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